dude. really? chill. it’s the teenagers with their “daddy bought me this” pickup that are the worst offenders.
dude. really? chill. it’s the teenagers with their “daddy bought me this” pickup that are the worst offenders.
This article is about being “predictable”. lane splitting is not. It’s just stupid and it is only compounded by some bikers getting their panties in a wad when some Karen sideswipes them because she thought there were only three lanes, not two more for bikers. Also doesn’t help when said biker is all flat black from…
lane splitting is just fucking dumb. i don’t give a shit if it’s legal or not. The whole point of this article was to be “predictable” and lane splitting is just the opposite. Some motorcyclists like myself never condone this.
In Charlotte I used to ride my bike everywhere in the 90's. But 485 seems to be 80% populated with people who watch too much NASCAR. But the worst is the soon-to-be-dead millenial or high schooler splitting lanes at 80+mph.
I never use my hi beams unless I’m on a lang dark road and I’m scanning for the reflective eyes of deer. I ride a cruiser so maybe since I don’t go over 70 I don’t need them whereas others might.
There are bold motorcyclists and old motorcyclists. Not both.
Some bikers think they are the cops. They get mad and mirror smash as retribution for minor shit. And man, don’t lane split.....ever. I mean talk about unpredictable. Cars don’t expect two or more “new” lanes just for bikes and they get mad also when they…
did this months ago. make sure to be listening to heavy metal and when CM tells you to turn it sounds like someone in the band is giving you driving directions.
WD Live boxes are being cut. I have two. But we don’t use Netflix on these anyways.
Corporations are just as self centered as people are. Not a popular opinion I know but corporations, as evil as they can be, provide jobs, donate to good causes and pay the lion’s share of the vast amount of healthcare premiums. Ask your HR person to tell you what the company pays for your health care vs what you…
i big fucking star for you! I boggle why we even talk about whether you should recline or not. The damn chair reclines so ....yes!
my friends aren’t self-centered assholes who need reminding about basic public etiquette. and yes. I’m supper loads of fun at parties.
the japanese responded to this need for space with their culture of etiquette walls. Its also one of the kindest general populations I’ve ever been in.
I’m not wigging out I’m just pointing out something that perhaps others were not aware of. You stand in line and someone is right there bumping you. Here the only one that does that is intimate partners. Also trying to walk on the street I will literally put my hand on their should and push them a bit to arm’s length…
I’m with you because if they do that kind of crap what else is going on? A job is not a right. People depend on you showing up for work and when yo don’t a lot of others can’t do their job. Or your job is so irrelevant that they don’t need you and can replace you with someone who doesn’t lie.
as in most cases, not all mind you, but in many many the reasons your manager might be an ass-hat is due to being lied to by employees in the past. For most of the crap we have to endure, thank the jerks before you for causing this. This applies to this kind of thing down to the “don’t put your dog in the microwave”…
an employee of mine tried this once. they emailed the picture as an attachment. I pulled it up and looked at the exif info. The photo was taken months ago and I even had the GPS coordinates where it was taken. I also pointed out that the weather in the picture was different. Told him not to lie to me again and not…
I see a whole lot of people wagging their fingers while they don’t do a damn thing to stop what they are complaining about. You want less Co2 in the air? Then drive less, and do something other than bitch about it. Yes I see the tons of plastic dumped into the oceans as more of a problem than the amount of CO2. I…
as an american i have the largest personal space bubble in the world. my friends from other lands don’t understand why i don’t want to be touching other people all the time.
I once had a chic do this. I took a picture of her mane and showed her the picture while I just looked at her and said “no.”. I sat down and she did the adult thing and removed her hair while apologizing.