
stripping freedoms? The dems want to regulate everything. They want to make me have health insurance for example. They want to run everything because as we all know the government does such a great job of things. The Johnson pushed welfare programs have damaged the minorities in this country more than anything else.

ever been to an ANTIFA gathering?  Do so and let that sink in.  Yes.  Both sides.  The hate in this country is sickening.

LOL! So Chicago’s gun violence is due to being near republican states?  Did you really just write that?  OMG.  

Dems: outlaw all guns

“fascists”? “slavery”? Are you that stupid? It was the repubs who got the 13th amendment passed. It was the repubs who ended slavery. It’s the dems who want the government to run every part of your life.  

guns come from out of state. no argument there.

Thanks for proving my point.  The left isn’t any more interested in making peace than the gun nutters on the right.

Thank you for proving my point.  I appreciate it.

Maybe you don’t but there’s plenty of evidence to show that working together is not something a lot on both sides wants to do.

Please tell me what gun laws. Please tell me that those committing these horrible shootings would have been stopped with restricting laws. The only way to ensure this is to ban all firearms completely. Because that has worked so well for say Chicago for example. And btw when you write things like you did we adults

progress?  Please tell me how restricting gun ownership has helped.  Don’t take my word for it.  research it for yourself.  or don’t and continue to rant ignorantly.

search for the most violent cities in America. Now rank them worst to least worst. Now look at the leadership of each of these cities and see what party they are members of and for how long said party has run that city. Hint: start with cities that have passed laws that disallow any gun ownership.  After you have done

You write things worthy of the contempt you spew on others. Politicians are to blame, that’s true. Red or blue things stay the same. Before trump some pretty bad shit happened and dems said nothing because he was “our guy”. Now it’s the republicans turn. Then the next president will be a democrat and we can continue

“When any random schmuck can get a military grade weapon that allows you to hold the trigger down and spray....the “good guy with a gun” will NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH. He will never be fast enough. No matter how well-armed and well-trained the good guy is, the bad guy will always be able to kill too many people before

This “unreality” is on both sides. Especially when we use works like “undocumented immigrant” instead of invader. When we create gun free zones and cities yet ignore the soaring gun violence in these areas. When we shoot down dissenting opinions vs listening. When the unborn are slaughtered by the tens of thousands

LOL! “immigration status”. Hilarious. People invade the country and are labeled “undocumented immigrants”. Maybe I should kick in your door and sit on your sofa and raid your fridge while claiming “undocumented homeowner status”. LOL!

for posting something this stupid, so filled with hate you just lost your ability to comment on anything for a while.  Time out for the dumbass.

........and another stupid person rises. This is what I’m talking about. Stupidity is on both sides. I’m upset that people are being killed so I’m going to call for the death of others. <slow clap>

man you think that will change anything? That sure has reduced gun violence in Chicago for example. We need to target the trigger finger and the person attached to it. Get them to see that they are being callus and stupid. A lot of gun people are church going folks. Its fear that makes them behave this way.

It’s the prepper mentality. They get so wound up they actually hope for a Road Warrior type apocalypse. My wife got sucked into it for a while until i could talk sense into her. Its fueled by fear. 8chan it seems is fueled also by hate.