
This is beyond stupid

Tom Cruise. Could play young and old Jobs. Would nail the reality distortion field. Looks just like him. Not to mention he knows a little something about cultic personalities...

Great article... despite being absorbed in the Apple eco-system, I'd like to see Microsoft reemerge to prominence. The two companies need each other to be at their best.

He probably did... everyone's so quick to attack all the recent decisions as against steve's will when in reality he probably made all their decisions for like the next 3 years

Eye of the Piggy?

I edited my latest music video in FCP X, and it turned out to be a dream. But at first, it was an insane nightmare. The secret? Your primary storyline should be the audio track itself. Then, you can connect all your lip-synching to it at just the proper moments, and if necessary, use the powerful new speed tools to

Science may back Mormonism, but logic never will.

Agreed 100%... I just LOVE Panda Express.

They should come out with a video app that you have to rewind when you finish watching! Or a music app that uses the acceleromater to skip if it gets bumped! Or an email app that makes you wait 1-3 days before you can read a message!

I'm not so sure I would want to live through that experience... dear Lord.

The resignation of the most powerful tech visionary of all time who was running what is the biggest company in the world deserves a lot of coverage by a tech blog. I'm not reading Gizmodo this evening because I "Must Have R2-D2 Bike Helmet"


Arnold... "Going to take part in... Gov. Affairs Day"

The lava looks like more of a problem to me

That's the problem with Western eschatology... it's turned hell into a punishment inflicted by God. That further raises the question, if God is loving then how can he eternally punish someone with no hope for reconciliation? He can't. This "doctrine" is not truly Christian and is a result of individual interpretation

And heart...

That analogy was brilliantly stated... If I were the star, and you weren't, I would promote you.

Man I hate this new site... please change it to something legible. I love Giz and really don't want to stop reading, but I'm gonna be left with no choice if you guys don't fix it/replace it/give the option for the old one soon.

60,000 dollars for a camera is a ton of money... for a blogger. But for a huge multi-million dollar production, this is actually a huge savings. The fact they're choosing this cheap option instead of what they could've had instead (i.e. everything else) is a testament to the power of camera and the incredible bang for