
Wow, our gov't is so broke we are now being sponsored by NBC? The Event viral marketing? Clever girl!

Ok, let me try to make sense of this early in the morning. If time is not a constant, and it is relative to say that time stands still then in reality time doesn't exist right? It's not like there is some universal measure of time like in an hourglass one piece of sand falling down represents time, and then if you

When will this end? When? Come on Walter, milk those teats!

Someone may have already said this, but you guys aren't really making us pick sides when both is an option. I have to admit I am quite bi-curious!

Pinch Zoom Slide. I get it. It's snappy.

@TechnicAli: Dude, she was sporting some major bush action the few glimpses we got on Entourage. Only once in a blue moon do I feel the urge for some jungle action.

What I hate is when I agree with someone for a price which is already probably lower than my asking price on Craigslist and we finally meet and they are always short by like ~$2o, and say will you take this much? Come on.

@thinkliberty: Too different answers. What to believe? What to believe?

What do tea-ists(?) think of Teavana?

@geolemon: I wasn't about libraries of discs, but of the number of players. The PS3 alone is worth millions of players. Digital adoption is still a ways off.

@corpore-metal: I think that is the point. We are limiting our perspective to only what we think we know. However, how do think past your only frame of reference?

@geolemon: I don't have numbers around me, but I have a feeling there are way more Blu-ray players in people's homes than there were Beta-max or Laser Disc Players.

@ri59: Isn't there always a Papa Murphy's Pizza next door to them? I think they target high growth compact subdivisions where people could even walk to them if they wanted. At least that's how it is around Dallas.

How do we know there is not a form of life on Venus?

@UberRob: Thanks for all the info. That was a great read.

Yeah! Even more reason to confirm my belief that the Dune universe is without a doubt one of the best created literary worlds of all time!

@weezeee: Well, at the minimum most people who do real work on the job have a laptop or a desktop. I just don't see the iPad replacing those devices. More like a supplement, but apparently that isn't the case. I know I could not do my grad school work with an iPad that is for sure.