
Seriously, I don't understand why someone would spend that much money on a device with such limited abilities. I see an iPad as a recreational device, not a workplace device. I need a laptop to work. I don't understand why anyone would choose an iPad over a laptop.

@yn3russ: That's exactly what I was going to comment about before even finishing the article.

Finally! Now I won't have to keep switching between my Samsung 3D Bluray player and my PS3.

They don't make them like they used to anymore.

That sure does look like a wooden fish he's holding. Are we sure they just didn't catch a wooden fish?

So slanty eyes really does make an asian? Hmm...

Make a movie that doesn't suck. It's like Paul W.S. Anderson went took all of Michael Bay's cheap tricks and threw them into one movie. :(

@spikejnz: Oh man. You nailed it. I enjoyed 2 and 3, but this was just so disappointing as a movie.

I watched this last night, and as a fan of the other movies, this was a terrible departure. There were so many plot holes and flaws with minimal story that it really made me sad. I usually watch this franchise without caring one bit about the Rotten Tomatoes score, but this time, I should've read it.

I'm guessing that Iraqi shoe thrower got some back-alley torture for his threat, right?

@Sean Avery: Is that half of Jeffster, my all-time favorite band!

The patience needed for this. Whew!

About 4 minutes too long.

@25toLife: Unfortunately, our whole MO as a people is to take a small section of a group of people and base our entire viewpoint on them. Like all Mexicans have a million kids, or all Muslims are terrorists, or white men can't dance. So, we have to almost be perfect as to not let our rep be tarnished.

This gives Christians a bad name, and this gives Americans a bad name too. We used to be a compassionate people (Americans), and Christians should be extra compassionate as I think that's the way Jesus would have been towards others.

I don't have any of these, but I've always wondered about Flight Control. I've never found a game I really liked, although I have played through Angry Birds and Let's Golf 2.

Honestly, I've read the complete series from both the son and Frank, and I like the backstory from the son's novels. What an epic masterpiece that was created. Easily my favorite series. One summer I want to read all the books in chronological order. I can't tell you guys how many time I've tried to find a Dune name

@thetooth: Gooberment? They cain't tell ma how to live ma life. They shouldunt even make ma ware seet belts.