
They were amazing, truly amazing and punched a level above their weight. It really was designed to be an Amati, so they had to make sure it was great. When the Amati idea died, they just badged it as the 929 and it was too expensive for a Mazda.

The power plant frame is a metal girder (essentially) that bolts onto the transmission and goes back to bolt onto the differential, locating them relative to each other but not relative to the body of the car. The dif has two mounts to the chassis but they aren’t terribly robust.

I like my Saab 9-3 Aero Sport Combi.

What is different between the two besides the obvious visual difference?

That car will always look like the future.

I liked the simplicity of the 2003-2005 Cavalier. If I had a shit job and needed an appliance, it would have been my first pick (In Z24 trim).

zero percent, but “Hayabusa mutha fucka!” got me real good. and his pics/gifs are spot on.