This could have been said about Trump in 2016.
They’re co-located here. See “High Falls Brewery” / Genesee Pub for example. Honestly, I don’t drink alcohol, but I’ve been there to have a Coca Cola and enjoy the sounds of the falls.
Sad. I saw a lot of frustration here in Rochester, NY, where RIT’s Nat’l Technical Institute for the Deaf is. I’ve even taught some classes for deaf students there. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires some assistance for such folks. I created a free app for this. All Access Menus. The iPhone version lets you…
Could have been worse. The original title was HOW TO BEAT OFF AT WORK AND BEAT TRUMP
I’m thinking... I’m thinking...
“We will only have peace when they love their children more than they hate us.” - Golda Meir
I can see that. I have TSA PreCheck but was “randomly selected” for a full pat-down.
I guess you could say...
I guess you could say...
That’s here in Rochester, NY. Shame is, that video *could* have been a commercial for how easy it is to fly here. Look at the line, or lack thereof. There’s zero waiting. I guess the TSA agent had too much time on her hands. Now she has more. I hope they handed her a note... “You Fired”
“politicians need money. A lot of them aren’t that wealthy. They live on their salaries, 100 and a half a year, they’re not crying, but they love travel and private planes, they have to get around for professional and political reasons.”
Honestly (like my nickname) yes, yes I do. And I give it away. It’s good to be my friend! For example, I’m hosting a meetup Tuesday and I have a table of swag to give away. I also give to non profits and children’s charities, etc. How many headphones and iPhone cases can one guy use.
I use call blocking apps and make do.
New name. Steely DON. problem solved.
Every day, I get ~100 solicitations via my corporate magazine email. That address is published in my byline. Legitimate leads know how to reach me. This provides a shortcut for illegitimate leads (for example, I write about iPhone items only... iPhone is in my magazine’s name and email address. Yet I get a lot of…
That’s why I wrote “I don’t think the concern is (just) doxxing.” i.e. not ONLY doxxing.
It’s his personal Instagram account. If it were a print ad or tv commercial, perhaps.