
And you guys wonder why women aren't considered for late night hosting gigs.

I think the better question is why are you ladies throwing them away when you could be selling them on Reddit for huge $$$

I don't understand your comment. Why would you put regular bears in a Carebears movie? I feel like you're one of those people that thinks Carebears aren't real which I just don't understand.

At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.

None because you ruined it by being blunt

Why? You come on Jezebel/Gawker Media sites for information and commentary. These websites are 100% biased to liberal views. Fox News is 100% biased to conservative views. What's the difference between you choosing to get your information/social interaction in a place you feel comfortable because the community

GAHHHH post about Pineda...Deadspin neeeeeeds this comment opportunity ASAP

You should see the comment below from EliaDCurry. Might cheer you up.

This is like the 9th article on Boston Marathon win. Stop trying to make it a thing we care about Deadspin.

Would it really have been so hard for you to accurately transcribe what he said?

You gotta get the good stuff

I once ate a ton of licorice and produced poop so neon green that made me assume I was going to die that night. Thank you for informing people that that relationship exists. I had no idea until it happened to me.

Stacey May Fowles is a novelist, essayist, and baseball fan living in Toronto.

Please support this comment with evidence

Why criticize anything that helps people? There's going to be someone that comes on here who was otherwise struggling, like we all do, with fitness, and maybe this nonsense gadget was helping them because it made it just a little more interesting or helpedthem set a routine and then here you go saying it's nonsense.

Ha you people wish you were Blake Lively

LOL, one comment in 50 minutes. Shows how much we care about this topic now that it's over

To the people saying "Jesus/God doesn't care what you wear" you've missed the point of that part of scripture. That view is within the context of your means. It means not to array yourselves in fine garments and spend money on such things and have that be what you care about while at the same time being someone who