
Keep sympathizing with Islam, on it's last day on this earth, we will erase you too.

Yea keep acting like this islamic piece of shit acted out of rage and not his belief system. Fuckin dolt. He has the name of the child fucking god he worships. Fuck him and apparently fuck you too.

Your using it right now to push your obvious anti gun agenda. It is no different and you are in fact a pussy. That has nothing to do with anyones agenda.

How’s that forced immigration to save the poor brown people treating you france?

He screamed allah snackbar as the police gunned him down. Pretty safe bet champ.

Fuck you and your entire raghead family. Die. Sooner rather than later.

Because their country has been invaded by filthy muslim terrorists under the guise of immigration. How’s that working out for you France? This is the ideologies of the EU at work. Until we scorch the earth we will never be rid of the trash that is ISLAM. NO EXCEPTIONS.

The dude was screaming allah Akbar as the cops gunned him down. Fuck off you Islamic piece of shit quit trying to justify your bullshit.