My First Desk Pop

no i’m saying i don’t really want to speculate about when someone lost their virginity so i just went with 24.

This, in a nutshell, is why the Republican party gets more batshit crazy every year and yet survives.

The only way I see it being helpful, in the case of Louis C.K., Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer, is that they are somewhat undercutting the hordes of men out there who think all these stories are false and no big deal. They aren’t outright confessing to specific incidents, but they are saying “I did a bad thing and it is

+1 Powdermilk Biscuit

good. Nowbegone

Really. Kylie Kar, Kylie Konvertible, Kylie Krew, Kylie Konvoy. So many Ks, so little effort.

Funnily enough, his ‘win’ could ensure he’s not able to replace Melania until he’s too old to care. She didn’t want the role, but a 4-year stretch (god help us all) could ensure she’s the true & final Widow Trump.

Oh so now the majority of the homeless population are “crazed” and raving around the streets like the Walking Dead? No. I’ve lived in San Francisco for 30 years and treat a lot of those people in the ER. There are a myriad of different reasons for their alarming outbursts. Everything from psychosis like

As far as curses go, that’s a pretty work-appropriate one.

Mel might deserve redemption in the realm you’re talking about: the personal realm. My addict relatives also say horrendous ranting things when they’re loaded. But I would venture that Mel doesn’t deserve redemption in the realm of fame and celebrity because no one DESERVES fame and celebrity and its attending

My uncle was an addict. He was also mentally unstable, which I think lead to his addictions. He did and said things to my aunt mentally and physically that were horrendous. He said things about and to family that were horrible. After many tries, he got himself therapy, rehab and help, and has been clean for about 6

Excuse me, I am going to go rage-barf forever.

I don’t know; I think his apology is pretty dang good.

“The flowers I did decorate with, I snuck out late the night before my wedding and clipped from yards or sunflower patches. We only took one or two from any given yard, so we weren’t complete jerks.”

Nobody I know wants this. Myself included. And all of us are gonna watch it.

That’s in the bathroom.

she’s an awful person but that doesn’t make slut-shaming ok.

I think America is more SEXIST than people realized. After all, a black man got elected twice. It was the white, very qualified, woman who was beaten by the baboon in a bad wig.

Now you’re just trolling. Children aren’t marginalized; they are considered more important than anyone else and operate by a separate set of rules which allows them behaviors that would make an adult subject to arrest or banishment. Do you think I would ever again speak to an adult who accepted a nice present I made

The long anticipated release of the #JFKFiles will take place tomorrow. So interesting!