
no use crying over flayed extras?


eh. You have your opinion and I have mine. But I stand by my statement that that was the first time I've cared about the sand snakes. And I'm shipping Tyene-Bronn now, pretty hard. Hope she uses him to plot an escape or something.

1) readers go home. You've got yer own review to spend time on.

pretty sure if the faith was cool with trial by combat, Loras woulda done that already.

Still no clue whats going down in Dorne, but if they keep throwing Tyene in every scene from here on, I'll be just fine, thanks.

gonna be awfully hard to root for The Mannis after that.

this. surely it wouldn't be that hard to guess who Sansa's friend in the castle was.

no no. Egg was Aegon V. The mad king was his son or grandson (show vs book) Aerys.

I don't think it's the same child. I'm pretty sure that one was a Wight, with the light blue eyes. Just some wildling's child that got corpsified.

EVERY episode should be two hours long. Massively epic.

Can. Not. Wait.

Poor Pyp! I liked all the Night's Watch boys. Maybe I'm too invested, though.

You really think any army in the GOT-verse wouldn't do the same? I think Book-Thorne was just as right as show-Thorne would be. I'm not concerned with this - it always took a broad view to see past the old hatred at the wall. That doesn't change regardless. Though I am a bit sad about the Thenns.

NOOOOOO Ciaran Hinds is the best and I want to see so much of him as Mance dang it.

Javier Bardem? Eh? Eeeeeh?

I don't dislike the Tysha plot because I don't think the audience won't remember it (though I will quibble that a novel and a tv show are fundamentally different art forms and you can read the books all in one go). I dislike it for 2 reasons:

This. I want to know!

Caught that and it was awesome.

No I agree with you it was turrible and pointless. More interesting scenes in Dorne, less dull wandering with Brienne to the crab coast or whatever it was.