Yes, and can confirm from a real life example. I was finally able to “break up” with a very toxic friend awhile ago because I started to ask myself, “would I put up with this if a guy I was dating was doing all the same things?? Fuck no!”
Yes, and can confirm from a real life example. I was finally able to “break up” with a very toxic friend awhile ago because I started to ask myself, “would I put up with this if a guy I was dating was doing all the same things?? Fuck no!”
Thank you - thankfully, some wise critic (one of the few I could get on board with) actually pointed it out. Prior to that, people were just excited it talked about craft beer a lot. I mean, you can hang out with anyone and have a long boring talk about craft beer. Why do you need to film it and make us watch??
You’re forgetting about “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” - a movie I despised with a white hot passion (for being so so so incredibly dumb.)
So I should apply? (Kidding. I have no aims to become a lawyer.)
During this unseasonably cold spring, I was reading about the “year of no summer” (in 1816), in which a prior volcanic eruption resulted in most of the globe experiencing an unseasonably cold summer (or “no summer”). Apparently it was also directly responsible for Mary Shelley writing Frankenstein.
Feel the same. I saw it on opening night, and I thought it was good. I was entertained, and I thought it was just the right length. But I wasn’t “100% on rotten tomatoes” blown away. It’s good. I am tired of super hyped movies in general. Still think this movie is worth seeing while simultaneously thinking the…
I feel you on this. I was massively politically active in my 20's (I mean, I still am, but compared to other people my age at the time, I was almost the ONLY politically active person my age that I knew.) I was also already onto 3rd (or is it 4th?) wave feminism at that time and was still surrounded by women who…
This is something I find frustrating for additional reasons - I have a friend with no children who’s a stay at home wife who sells some crafty things on the side (I would be surprised if she made $2000 a year from that.) Her husband is in the medical field and makes a really nice paycheck. Not doctor-level paycheck,…
Same - I had a stay at home mom and I can see what a great foundation it was for me. I always say now that I had the luxury of taking my parents for granted (not that I did so exactly, I just mean that I was so secure in that regard that I didn’t spend a lot of time worrying about them or my safety. Other than typical…
To be fair to your mom and all women who were parents in the 70's and 80's - it was completely legal to fire women for being pregnant until 1978. And that didn’t meant that things automatically changed in 1978. There was still discrimination against hiring women who had kids (or had little kids). There was also huge…
I’m a person who purposely avoids war movies and battle scenes on the big screen, yet I thought the Battle of the Bastards was one of the finest scenes ever. I also watched the making of the Battle of the Bastards, and it is SO WORTH WATCHING if you haven’t seen it yet. Plus I’m extremely into history, and it was…
One of my favorite jokes from a live stand up show was this: “I was raised Catholic. Which means.....I’ve never read the bible.” (All the former Catholics, including me, laughed so hard at this.)
.....and hopefully in the process, dragging Christians back to Christianity. Republican Jesus is who most non-Catholic Christians follow now, and RJ is 1000 times removed from most of the principles in Christianity (you know, house the homeless, feed the poor, be charitable towards your fellow man....).
The reason they made a decry for priest celebacy was to keep all the money in the church. If priests were allowed to marry (as they used to be able to do, 100's of years ago), then the wealth the church passed on to them would be diluted by then being passed on to the priest’s heirs rather than back to the church.
Barely-related aside: sometimes I just want to use an eggplant emoji for actual eggplant. How can we take back the eggplant?
“One of the things that makes me bananas crazy about right wingers is the division of their money into “taxes” and “other stuff,” when they should be viewing things as “money in” and “money out.”” - this is perfect and true. Everything you said is spot on. That’s why I don’t feel like GOPers have logic or reasoning…
100% agree, and that’s immediately where my mind went. It can be done. And done very well, as Chris pretty much nailed it.
Damn that’s good.
Yessss! This is one of the biggest myths in the case of harassment. That a woman must be attractive enough in the eyes of the peanut gallery for her harassment story to be believed. It’s total bullshit. Any woman, of any size, and any weight, and any age, with any physical appearance can be the victim of harassment.
I knew a (now very huge and popular) business coach who would say that any time a customer made a legitimate complaint about her services (for example: when she literally did not provide some of the services that people had paid for, i.e. a certain number of calls, a certain number of in person coaching sessions,…