
Just called, they are getting blown up. Guys says, it must be on the internet somewhere. HAHAHA

And the 120K employees that work for them??? That did nothing wrong.....

Wow! I am impressed. You didn’t turn this article into a race driven agenda. Oh Wait, the Ref was white...... Had that been 3-4 white kids beating up a Black Ref you would be singing a different tune.....

There is one point that you didn’t touch that someone that is not in a union doesn’t understand. Why do union members allow Union Employees to get paid so much. There are over 30 Assistants that make over 100K on this list. I don’t get why anyone would want to bust their ass to make $30 an hour, then give part of that

Why does it matter? Serves no purpose to know their names. They were doing a job. Guy should have listened. Would have never happened. Airline has the right to do as they please whether you agree with it or not. Move on....

Go here. This can Answer all your questions. This Guy can work wonders!

Funny how nothing in the article states any proof of said seizure. His wife’s tweet is about a much proof as me tweeting I solved the world’s hunger problems.......

Do you mind me asking where at in NC?

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