
Well... I just take a sip of water and lean back, pop my pills in my mouth, and swallow. I do it for horse pills like 500mg fish oil capsules and tiny mg tablets as well. It forces the throat to open and I never taste the pills (which I absolutely HATE doing).

But they did vomit to go back and eat more! I read it in Catching Fire.

GMAIL for Android

Maybe it's just me, but it appears to be a subtle difference.

Dolphin may be our favorite third-party browser on Android, but despite all its great features, Chrome (which is now the stock browser on Android) is still my go-to. It syncs with Chrome on my desktop, contains most of the features I actually use on a daily basis, and integrates nicely with Android.

I know I'm going to get thrown into the fire for this, but for me personally, Apple Mail on iOS is all I want in an email client. I don't do email on iOS very often, if I did, I'd use Dispatch, but I'm in front of my computer all day long, so mobile email isn't really a necessity for me. What is useful is Mail's VIP

The way things seem to be going, your best bet is with this. You're bound to get more leg room. Better service, too. Round trip not guaranteed tho.

While all of the information above is accurate, it's basically only useful for spotting people who are either uncomfortable with a weapon or who are carrying it improperly. Most quality holsters that are designed to be concealed are very difficult to spot, and the people using them are used to carrying, and won't

Cool trick but in a survival situation where am I gonna get the ice?

A cool trick, but is it necessary? It seems much more complicated than coarse filtering the water through a bandana/cloth and boiling it.

I haven't been flying recently, but domestic Aeroflot cannot be ignored. Domestic (within Russia) flights have offered the unique experiences of: stow your own luggage; allowing passengers to stow firearms and ammunition in the overhead compartment; "festival" (no assigned) seating; auctioning off a warm six pack of

Stay tuned for next weeks article: "Scamming Charities to Buy a New Boat"

First rule of being spy - DO NOT GET STOPPED BY THE POLICE.

I felt liberated a bit by not having to use camera roll. This feels like a step back. I think Apple is pandering.


... a good beard also helps... start growing one now.

How to sleep warmly on a cold night without breaking the bank on a heating bill:

Why "Aw"? Linux and Mac don't get viruses anyway, am I right?

It's only for windows? aw man.

What? just scraping a small spot of snow off the windshield and driving basically a submarine via the periscope in the winter is not a good idea? It seems to be a god given right here in Michigan every winter.

Although my favorite is the people that just keep driving day after day with the sound of a ball joint