It took me awhile to appreciate it but it's a crack up. I had an old starlog magazine that showed how they did some of the flying scenes and was impressed they built the M3 Lee from the chassis up out of an M7 Priest.
It took me awhile to appreciate it but it's a crack up. I had an old starlog magazine that showed how they did some of the flying scenes and was impressed they built the M3 Lee from the chassis up out of an M7 Priest.
Ah, Timothy Zhan’s Trilogy, the stories that actually got me to like Star Wars for a while. I was motivated enough to get the West End RPG books (now called the D6 System, apparently) and set up a campaign which didn’t last because, according to my players who were die hard Star Wars fans, there were too many sci-fi…
Hey, don’t knock it, it’s clearly the deluxe lunchables from the 90's. Turkey AND Ham!
Ah yes, the thrilling tale of Jabba’s Lunchables.
If you had told me 20 years ago that there should be a footnote indicating that you should NOT have the heart of a Star Wars story revolving around a trade dispute, I’d have thought you mad...
Not now though, not now.
Earlier this month, Lucasfilm’s Star Wars loremaster Pablo Hidalgo posted extracts from a 1994 Star Wars style guide…
Unless there’s a time factor and the incoming tide will overtake the rock so it’s a race against time as well, there’s no real problem. Stay there, someone will miss her and come looking for her (this is America; we don’t let our pretty white girls go missing without a massive search).
Summer is coming, which means one thing: it’s almost shark-movie season! In The Shallows, a great white that has no…
I am hoping this will lead to a WCII movie. I really wanna see the Alliance, turtle submarines, red dragons and all that craziness even more.
It’s been a while since we last saw a full trailer for Duncan Jones’ Warcraft movie, but this new TV spot includes…
I’m tempted to star your comment.
Pretty stellar article.
Putin’s not above an ‘oopsy.’ If they do this, I guarantee every country with a nuclear defense shield is going to be sitting with their finger on the button at the first sign of any deviation from course...
“A weapon unused is a useless weapon.”
Russia has been putting stuff (and even Americans) into space for a long time. This isn’t China we’re talking about here.
i mean, the are not north korean whose missile explode on almost every single launch attempt.
I’d love to see them succeed, but I’d hate to see them fail. Because really who knows where that missile is going to land. I trust neither their ability to get it right, nor their integrity to actually fire it at a meteor, vs ‘oops we nuked Turkey/San Francisco/etc.’
I wonder how many resources were used to obtain this picture during the Cold war.
Reminds me of this scene from the Hunt for Red October:
Kursk was a Oscar II class, but she is still fat and lovely!