both situations are in real life cuz niether is fiction lol.
both situations are in real life cuz niether is fiction lol.
This is the same company that turned Professor X into a mass murdering dick who made Magento look bad.
wat? we were already introduced to them
Why would they be in IW? That narratively doesn’t make sense because they aren’t the ones personally and forcefully fighting Thanos. Note: the chances of this film taking place mainly off Earth is high. Why would any of the Defenders, which by the time IW releases they would be well in their second/third seasons, drop…
Why would they be in IW? That narratively doesn’t make sense because they aren’t the ones personally and forcefully fighting Thanos. Note: the chances of this film taking place mainly off Earth is high. Why would any of the Defenders, which by the time IW releases they would be well in their second/third seasons, drop…
This film is boring. Not because the concept behind the story but because the characters themselves perform boring actions. There’s too much walking aimlessly, too much talking in an authorial intrusion style, and overall too much of them doing nothing interesting that demonstrates their quirks. These actions are very…
The way you described these plot events make the story structure sound familiar. Will it be reviewed in the same manner as Dr. Strange? Another origin for another superhero, doing nothing to break the three act model with predictable Inciting Incidents, Turning Points, and so on?
Spewing out big fancy phrases and words is faux
Sequel baits have been in films since JP
Why is following a standard three act story structure and abdying by the tropes of said genre or continuity inherently wrong? There’s this notion of having them creates bad fiction -_-’. If every new fantasy book I pick up sounds structurally familiar why would I insist on it being a total bore? Oh this is Aristotle’s…
People stop saying Steven is just another Tony or Thor because of the concept behind his character arc. Thor is his own person with a personality, motivation, goal, past, future, and so on that all developed differently from those outside his films. I feel like you guys aren’t going deeply inward to what mAkes these…
What is his motivation for the search then? What drives him to become something more than himself and all of Earth as he knows it?
Yet it’s in the latest none superhero films. Even within the genre I can still find find traces of it from none Marvel Studio products (uhuhm CW’s entire lineup and an anime called My Hero Acamadia).
It serves a purpose rather than evidence that the writer has a fetish with violence. There is also something to counterbalance it
So it’s like Alias? A superpowered family that happens to exist within the MU, yet decides to precipitate in the normal dimensions of our reality. It isn’t going full blown Dragon Ball Z, remaining on the mundane side. Yeah I guess that’s rare to see in the superhero medium though novels do it all the time.
Yes the writing part is number 1. It ignored almost every writing article on I09
So the Kents must be insane and irrational in order for realism to take effect?
It benefits nothing that has been established within the given sequence of events as long as it has no chronological context. When does Lex do this? Surely not after he’s in jail -___-, otherwise WE ONLY SAW HALF OF THE ENDING! ugh
It’s still a deleted scene meant to structure the plot. There’s nothing “after credit” about it because there’s nothing indicating how it continues DOJ’s end scene.