
He has a PhD from Oxford. I doubt he wrote his own campaign ads

This is pretty bad but I heard some members of the Wesleyan badminton squad were slutshaming

I can’t believe the boys at Harvard - 18-20 year olds - would judge women by their apprarence! Who would do such a thing!

Nah no one was saying it was like that shut up

Wonder what would be revealed if we knew everything Patrick or the self righteous commentariat said to their friends in private while they were in college

The CEO of the fastest growing news organization in America is spouting hearsay on twitter. 2016 everyone.

I don’t care about this. 99% of the readership doesn’t care about this. You don’t care about this, Kevin

“With the Giants already down 1-0 in the NLDS, Jeff Samardzija was rightly yanked after just two innings tonight, having give up four runs on six hits.”

Really proved me wrong right there. I now see that I am dumb and you are very smart.

No. People commit crimes because they’re psychopathic or they believe that the benefits of the crime outweigh the risks of being caught and punished. If you lower or eliminate the punishment it is only encouraging people to commit more crime. This isn’t an argument for the death penalty, but you seem to be implying

So god damn stupid

Requesting updates on this story. Never been more curious about a post in my life

23? Who cares? I was personally bored at 15. He’s good. We get it. Please ignore this monotony of Michael Phelps victories (might as well post about the sub coming up) and instead rwaport on FEMALE Olympians. Particularly POC Olympians.

Comments like this one sure do make sports fun

Thank you, Patrick. Now I know the “correct” attitude to have in case I wind up at Wimbledon playing Roger Federer. What a silly sentence. Can’t wait for the Deadspin Awards for more takes from elitist white nerds. I miss the age of the athlete dong.

Its the best counter argument: you have an opinion I don’t like? Well that’s just a hot take, man!

Kevin you’re literally the worst. Every time I come across one of your posts I click on it out of hatred at you. I hate your smug face in your dumb GODDAMN picture. I hate how you use the words damn and goddamn in every goddamn blog post you write, and how it has spread to other, more skilled writers on Deadspin. I

The level of seriousness the commenteriat is treating this post with is indicative of the downfall of deadspin that began with Daulerio’s exit.

The man’s 88 years old give him a break.

I’d post “poop poop poop and pee poop poop and pee.”