I Love Bees
I Love Bees
That just applied for 1st party games like what MarriedWithABoringCar said. There wouldn’t be Series X exclusives for about 2 years so you could rest easy knowing that Halo Infinite and possibly Hellblade 2 are also coming to Xbox One.
Believe that was for first party games, but i may be wrong
I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down.
The devs have done everything short of block people on Twitter for demanding ports. They have an exclusivity deal right now with PS4. They are 1,000,000% aware that there is an OBSCENELY HUGE demand for more platforms and will definitely expand the availability, but right now it’s PC/PS4 exclusive.
Really good thoughts!
You might appreciate this new interview with one of the PSO composers.
“My favorite hardware synthesizer is the Roland JV-2080. It was a famous synthesiser at the time, and all the Phantasy Star Online songs were created on the Roland JV-2080. Nowadays, all the synthesizers are on the computer in…
Those PSO Ep.1-era tracks really take me back. I always wonder why they seem so singular. It’s not JUST that I experienced them at a formative time, though that’s surely part of it. This soundtrack just seems so unique. (I’m probably overlooking some other, similar music that exists, but still.)
One of my all-time faves, for sure.
Yeah hellpoint is surprisingly good. I dismissed it when the mixed reviews came out for the demo and boy was I wrong. Its like a perfect B-movie of a game.
soundtrack composed Ilan Eshkeri and Shigeru Umebayashi.
Shut it down for a day, minimum. Two hours barely gets people talking.
It’s a new version of the first game of the xenoblade chronicles saga (the second one is veeeery loosely related to this one).
It wasn’t, people are just really bad at Odyssey.
Why is this the first I have heard of PSO2 for x1?! wonder if I can still get in on the beta. Going to have to check it out after work.
Yeah, the art and score are just absolutely astounding. It really is like playing a 60-hour Ghibli film.
This is super touching and amazing that they guy went to all this work. But he shouldn’t have had to.
I chuckled really hard at this post.
I hear this may be included in the Cats version 1.2 release, due later this week in theaters....
I, for one, am *extremely* willing to entertain the idea that the cats from Cats are the result of a curse, a thousands-of-years-old Djinn, or one of several incredibly fucked up Polish folk tales.
You’ve read 1 book and played 1 game. I don’t want to sound antagonistic here, but in what world do you think you’re qualified to talk about the franchise as a whole? Let alone dive into the politics, which btw, are very much part of the source material AND all 3 video games, and wasn’t shoved in there just so the…