Pfft. I’ve been snorting chocolate my whole life. When I make chocolate milk with Nesquik, I don’t mix it all the way so I can eat the wet dust chunks (they burst in your mouth and you absorb the chocolate dust that was inside the wet “cocoon”). Sometimes I get a little too enthusiastic and end up inhaling the…
Why is it still a thing that if you’re a biological child of somebody, you deserve to inherit something, even if you had no relationship or even met each other? I could understand her mother suing the estate for back child support, but the (potential) daughter should have no claim.
“Her case is cyclothymia, dating from the age of seven and a half. She is about thirty-three, speaks French…
I’m thinking that a “handler” wrote it.
She is a fucking unhinged shitty person now and honestly I think it’s reason enough for this show to not happen. It’s one of my favorite shows, top 3 of all time, and I would be 100% onboard for this reboot if she wasn’t such a top-tier awful person.
Yup. Some areas will have to be controlled by drones or whatnot, because migration must happen. Walls must not cut off wildlife.
I have only told a few people about my 2 rapes (one was by a boyfriend and one was acquaintance rape) because for the longest time I felt responsible.
I knew how hurt my family and friends would be after finding out and I didn’t want to put them through that.
The first 1500 people to get stars were actually reasonably juried and those stars (along with the improvements to the sidewalks and addition of trees) was paid for by the city.
“on one issue”
I’ve always felt like I’ve half hate watched this show. But I think that any liberal privileged and/or white woman that feels this way watching it is getting the real check we need on our bullshit. Whether or not that was Lena, Judd, and Jenni’s point (I mostly think not, they are not that clever) it’s a check we’ve…
I have never seen that dress as black and blue because it obviously is not black and blue, it is white and gold! And yes, it is ugly no matter what colors it is.
I gasped when it cut away with the shot ringing out. I want to watch, but I don’t want to watch. I’m still not over Poussey.
He is incredibly talented. Also, the unsung heroes of SNL have got to be the folks in the wardrobe/makeup department who consistently transform the cast members into freakishly accurate likenesses of whomever they are lampooning.
I spent 13 years on active duty (2x Iraq, 1x Afghanistan), and got out last year. Seeing pictures of Fifth Avenue fuckwits like this playing war tourist eliminates any regret I have about not staying in longer - and makes me feel awful for my friends still in.
Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!
These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.
Anyone who makes fun of Barry or someone who loves his music better stfu.
It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.