
“Thanks for not being the literal sociopath I am? Good lookin’ out -^5!!!”?

I was able to easily get tix in both NY and Chicago without waiting months. It’s ridiculous how entitled and lazy they are. They can open a browser and buy their own damn tickets and airfare if they really wanted to see it rather than being seen seeing it.

Yeah. From upstate NY with a friend. !

He was taking sage writing advice and writing what he knows!!

I feel like a dork for being able to answer this but it’s to save character space. Like a rebus! So, you know, the toilet emoji = Trump. Now, the all caps? No idea. Style choice!

Jesus, he really does think he’s rubber and everyone else is glue.

And there is special Hallween shenanigans you can also attend as well as the show this month.

Yeah; no way he'd be doing that in this heat in NY.

He's the ultimate magical black man obvs.

Your descriptions make me swoon and I'm not afraid to admit it.

And in her 5th decade at this point, still hasn't bothered to take it upon herself to self-educate. Who needs femminemsm, anyway??!!

They take the wife’s attention away from His Glory.

Doesn't the old woman in Hansel and Gretel say she'll use their bones to make her broth? Fancy broth!

Don’t be intimidated—You gotta be going snail’s pace to miss most cuttoffs! And never be ashamed to walk parts of the run portion. Good luck with your race season. :D

Thank you for this post! My tri season has been personally disappointing so far and this was uplifting! Plus, I feel loads of “my people!” Fuzzies in the comments—also awesome. :)

I’m on my 4th year of tris, and I’m 51. I just jumped in with a YMCA one & went from there. Most of the smaller/localish ones are full of supportive participants! Even the two times I did IM Florida, people were completely encouraging even whilst blowing by you on the bike/run. People are the biggest assholes in the

Somewhat related: I bloody hate they won’t let us have the 1500 swim in the olympics.

John Edward, too. Bizarre.

His lawyers had him change. And also I'm sure the athletic gear helps support their argument that the poor woobie is better off with community service helping downtrodden South African youth!