
I love this story. Thanks for sharing!

I've handled a few actors at Dragon*Con, but my people were always well behaved, so I don't have *fun* stories. But I can tell you Jason Momoa wears boxer briefs.

I do not get this. All those anti vaccination idiots likely have been inoculated. People they know, have. Their parents have. Where the hell do they figure these hoards of people affected by vaccines are, exactly?! I look around at my generation, one of the last to get the smallpox shot, and all these crazy

Thank you so much for the awesome list!

I wanted a Hamill. And had always worn my hair long. And my hair lady screwed it up (as in no way was it like one) into a hideous shag. Worst school pictures of my life.

Am now at the grey and playing with fun colors. It's awesome.

Dude mansplained cellular reception. Nobody is clever enough to bullshit that nugget.

I counteract the effect by staring into the middle distance at the laptop screen on my lap the rest of the time.

Whelp, that's me just lost down the reddit popping thread for the rest of the night...

Knock knock.

Except registered dietitians do know what they are talking about. Most MDs have never taken any classes in nutrition, and food science & nutrition majors take a shitload of science classes dealing specifically with food and how our bodies utilise it at the cellular level.

This. SO much. It's criminal.

I like Mama the Hutt

But he had girlfriends during all this, too! It's so vile that he got off on predatory behaviour for decades, as the serial infidelity just wasn't good enough for his sociopathic ass.

Except my thinking she might die and reading GEMMA DIES in an episode recap headline off site are simply not the same. It's bullshit and it was cunty, even if it isn't ultimately big-picture important.

I saw the spoiler title via a Jez tweet, not the site. I knew Gemma was dead woman walking. I did not want to know when/which episode. it was an assy thing to do and an even assier response.

I access Jez through Twitter, so I couldn't even avoid the spoiler whilst away from the site! Worse, I can't tell who wrote each article on a tweet, so I can't easily avoid Mz Hillary's future contributions on principle. :/

Same. I'm not even half through it, looking forward to it all day. Serves me right for checking Twitter during commercials. Um, right? *sighs*

Great title. What the actual hell? It hasn't even been 24 hours; guess I can't even read twitter until after I've seen it.

You had me at s's...