
I like Mama the Hutt

But he had girlfriends during all this, too! It's so vile that he got off on predatory behaviour for decades, as the serial infidelity just wasn't good enough for his sociopathic ass.

Except my thinking she might die and reading GEMMA DIES in an episode recap headline off site are simply not the same. It's bullshit and it was cunty, even if it isn't ultimately big-picture important.

I saw the spoiler title via a Jez tweet, not the site. I knew Gemma was dead woman walking. I did not want to know when/which episode. it was an assy thing to do and an even assier response.

I access Jez through Twitter, so I couldn't even avoid the spoiler whilst away from the site! Worse, I can't tell who wrote each article on a tweet, so I can't easily avoid Mz Hillary's future contributions on principle. :/

Same. I'm not even half through it, looking forward to it all day. Serves me right for checking Twitter during commercials. Um, right? *sighs*

Great title. What the actual hell? It hasn't even been 24 hours; guess I can't even read twitter until after I've seen it.

Oh, it's actually worse. There was a link to another article under it:

Gonna be a while before I can even look at corn dogs or pigs in a blanket, now.

...drop a few punches / 'ludes along the way, when up walks Stephen Collins!

And David Duchovny as one of the Staton Island background people at the party!

And it sounds like the way he threatened the AP interviewer...calmly, suggestive threatening.

Heeee! I think that's what my tender 13yo heart wanted to believe, as well! It must have been one of my earliest fan letters, too!

Yo quiero, indeed.

It's all just toppling dominos at this point, as women realise they aren't alone. Jesus, how many decades and victims did it have to take?! :(

Oh! And Brooke Shields my senior year. My friend, Troy, adored her. He was in an accident & then coma, so I wrote to her about him. She sent an incredibly sweet note & pic for me to give him plus sent me a note for me hoping things went okay for him. (He did recover, luckily.)

My very first letter/reply was a signed picture from Mike Douglas (talk show host).

Yeah. He looks way more like one of those cymbal clacking monkey toys.


I'm really glad you pointed out exactly why she went to the show after the first assault. Other "columnists" have conveniently left this out, which is making it far too easy to victim blame/shame.