Rare Replay is simply the games you know presented in a pretty package. So whether it sucks or not really depends on how you feel about Rare games. I was happy to have Conkers and Blast Corps for the sale price of 19.99.
Rare Replay is simply the games you know presented in a pretty package. So whether it sucks or not really depends on how you feel about Rare games. I was happy to have Conkers and Blast Corps for the sale price of 19.99.
Yeah. It's meant as a joke. It's his example of why his wife would never be able to do an open relationship. She needs a connection while he could have sex and then kill and bury the woman.
So, this is a stupid story to fabricate. I'm sure the number of people in Manhattan that day is twice what it actually was in stories. Am I the only one more disturbed by the comment he makes a few minutes later that he could have sex with a women, snap her neck, and bury her in a ditch, no problem?
Except this is Guitar Hero and not Rock Band and so Freestyle Games and not Harmonix as mentioned in the first words of the first sentence of the article. Fuyuki might be more harmful than the radiation emitting from my XBox but either way, yeah fuck Skrillex.
Headquarters is cool but it shouldn't be compared to GG. It's more bar than arcade and they don't have 1/10th of the games. GG is arcade nirvana. Although, I wish GG had the room for those pinball tables…
I posted this article to Galloping Ghosts Facebook page asking if there was any chance they might get it. It's a big footprint for that place but maybe if enough of us beg…