My Dog Is A Pirate

I was shocked to see that any non-white, non-male, non-rich people would be delusional enough to vote for Trump. So many things about people taking him “seriously, not literally” and I don’t understand why people genuinely believed he was just playing a character on TV and wasn’t going to do the things he claimed. I

(while I agree with what you are saying) Trump certainly blamed Obama for anything that happened during Obama’s presidency. I don’t see Why we can’t do the same to trump.

As sometimes guests, they weren’t bad. Dr. Phil’s folksy, “are you fucking kidding me” approach spared Oprah from going hoarse on those eps. Dr. Oz didn’t get where he was back then by being a hack.

If anyone can do it, she could. She is the anti-Trump.

I do 5/7 of that shit for my wife and she doesn’t even pay* me.

“Opera is on a failing network and disonest media lier. So sad”

I find, I have nothing for a dirt bag that begins with Rob Lowe’s needs.

Oh god. I AM a personal assistant from Montecito (where Rob lives, on Mirimar beach..) and I have only heard the WORST stories about him and his wife. She is super cheap, uses his name everywhere to get discounts, and don’t even get me started on the shitstorm he was involved in re: the Santa Barbara News Press years

It’s clear that Rob Lowe is a real life Tamogotchi. I hope the new assistant knows this or she may kill a national treasure.

There are several blooper reels of Parks & Rec on YouTube and in a few scenes Rob Lowe seems to be fumbling his lines on purpose, trying to be funny, or he makes seriously lame jokes after someone else makes a mistake. It screams I’M FUNNY, AREN’T I?? PLEASE LIKE ME, I’M A FUN PERSON!!1! I’M ONE OF YOU GUYSSS! The

He is a notorious troll around here. Do not engage.

They’ve essentially declared war on all of our American values. It’s time for total war:

Drag her, drag Ivanka, drag the fucking ten year old. I don’t give a single, solitary fuck anymore. Do what needs done.

Capitulating and playing nice with these motherfuckers for the last sixteen years has led straight to this shit. It’s time for us to strangle the fucking stupid out of them if we have to.

We have to be stop this high road shit. Strong liberal values with no morals is the way to play. Imma hide behind a door in the White House and hit them with a frying pan...repeatedly...until they stop moving. The cartoonish nature of the assasination will make me feel better about the violence.

Exactly, but you can lure him and his cabinet into a screening of a popular children’s film, lock all of the doors and then light the room on fire. It’d be so easy I can’t believe no one is doing this.

I’m still undecided, but the fact that Matthew Modine was holding both her arms as if to keep her still or keep her from collapsing, makes me think she was hammered in a Hollywood way that most of us never get to experience.

“I think it’s just because she couldn’t hear what David was saying.” He then reveals that he thought Ryder’s faces were “awesome.”

I’ve tried to forget my many mistakes from the 90s....

I mistakenly picked up their CD in a Sam Goody bargain bin. I confused them with Third Eye Blind. Or did I pick up a Third Eye Blind album thinking it was a 311 album? I’ve tried to forget my many mistakes from the 90s....