My Dog Is A Pirate

I told called someone who had called her a “nappy headed nigger” a “fucking racist troglodyte,” and FB blocked me. OF COURSE.

Do yourselves a favor: avoid rage stroke and do NOT go look at the comments on her Facebook page. People are fucking VILE.

This, from Captain Fucko von Sniffles? Good one!

Thanks. I needed that.

It’s never lupus.

Oh, I may get flak for this, but here goes: Tried though I might, I never liked any Christopher Guest movies. And I tried. Oh, my god, did I try.

I sleep with a mask and ear plugs every night. It started because I am an extremely light sleeper, and my husband snores, and would stay up reading in bed with the light on. I can’t sleep without either.

So, nobody thought to call 911? A guy pulls out in front of you to stop traffic in the road, gets out of his car in a menacing fashion (there is no other way to interpret this), and it didn’t occur to the dashcam driver to call the police?

Me, too! I have a lot of wine!


Poor thing. He looks like he has a cold and can’t breathe through his nose.

Well, one out of two...

Bush would be a squashed Twinkie with vanilla frosting hastily smeared on top. And sprinkles. The round ones.

John Slattery can GET it.*

Oh, my. Oh, my, my, my, MY.


Please win everything in the world. You deserve it.

How is this even a question? Jason Momoa is married to Lisa Bonet, and I *still* would, married or not. Because Jason Momoa can GET IT*.

I do know who she is, and I am suitably impressed.

Well, if you drive a ‘69 Charger, I don’t blame you. VA-ROOOOM!!