
I think it serves its purpose well which is to focus on Mr. PB and Diane, the fact of how apolitical the storyline was purposefully considering they have no problem actually dealing with issues head on, see the spiders listed in the review.

I think it came from the fact that in the moment he’s convinced that once again, he’s managed to ruin the life of someone who cares about him like he’s been fearing he would all season.

Since then though, it hasn’t fulfilled the promise of an election-based season for the series.

Once I got to this episode (in admittedly short order), I was amazed how subtly they’d planted the seeds for it. There’s a conversation with Bojack 2 or 3 episodes prior where she mentions something about itching or crawing sensation in the skin (I can’t remember the wording) while describing emotional issues, and it

False equivalencies. Daleks don’t look like Nazis and NPH doesn’t have a swastika anywhere on that costume. They are banning Nazi imagery because it’s being used *right now* by anti-semites and racist garbage people. I’m sure your SS uniform can be used at a later date.

That’s not how that scene worked, for a lot of us anyway. Hollyhock is Bojack’s blood. That stuff runs in blood. I had an amazing upbringing with a fantastic, loving mother and I still started hearing The Voice when I reached my teenage years. My Mom, grandparents, even on my Dad’s side, it’s just a clear vein running

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it

Third parties should build a solid base of power in state and county legislatures instead of going right for the presidency and hoping to change everything with one politician. Otherwise, they’re just pulling a stunt to fool the “independents”

I am just not one of those city-living people. I like space and some privacy.

A friend of mine recently spent some time in FL so his gf (who is white) could take a special cosmetology course there. They were staying in a white part of town. Their neighbors, who were white, got into a domestic dispute, so he and his gf called the cops and took the woman down to the lobby of the apartment

“It is a level of humor that makes Rick and Morty look like teenage 4chan edgelords.”

So because one of the largest US credit bureaus got hacked and lost personal information I’m now supposed to pay for protection service? That sounds pretty ass backwards to me.

The birthday sign that says “Happy Birthday Mr. Peanut Butter Peanutbutter is One Word Don’t Write ‘One Word.’”

This is going to be my Halloween costume this year. Vincent Adultman is my everything

Two words, three kids, one trenchcoat: Vincent Adultman.

If there were spoiler tags, I might have a something to say, but alas

You got us. None of the people here can name a single funny joke from this comedy tv show that we all claim to love. Pack it up everyone, ChaosOrdeal saw through our charade.

if you’re watching this show looking strictly for comedy, you’re missing half the point.

Well, I did make important (and patented) contributions to Air Traffic Control systems during my 30 year career as a systems engineer, enhancing the safety of the travelling public. If you’ve ever flown on an airliner and didn’t collide with another airplane... you’re welcome.

I’m sure the residents of south Atlanta are really looking forward to being priced out of their homes and moved further away from their jobs.