
More proof the Russians were trying to help Clinton. 9.9

... So it was about slavery. This is an odd hill to die on.

So, we should the out due process because you are upset? No.

I agree that the lazy, incompetent, greedy freeloaders that call sharing socialism are really just spoiled and entitled. I’ll add that those people who call taking candy from kids/who think sharing is socialism are shitstains, as are their defenders.

South Park is American, made by Americans, and should be understood in the American cultural context when looking at social commentary (which this is). Having dark skin IS a disadvantage in Western countries, but especially so in the US.

He’ll run. How else is he going to convert all that donation cash he is currently collecting for 2020 (!!) into personal profit?

Not quite. It is a comment about how being Black, factually, changes how people treat you and where you typically start off at. The issue isn’t just that people have “labeled” it as being a handicap. It factually is in our society.

Hello. One of the many hats that I wear is a transportation. Yes, I have opinions on the internet, but people pay me for my opinions of transportation and make huge dollar decisions based on that.

And your solution is what? Jill fucking Stein? Ralph fucking Nader?


That’s not a real position. However, we could much more easily agree that people making $418k should receive massive tax cuts and should, at a minimum, pay what they do today.

WTF is a spore drive?

In that case a movie made in Hollywood by an Indian writer is a Bollywood flick?

...but it is an American made cartoon. It’s like saying Samurai Jack is anime. It is just a false statement.

You own a gun because you are bad at math. Objectively, your gun is more of a threat to your family than any criminal Boogeyman you imagine. Also, the world (at least the US) is actually safer today than before - violent crime is down and has been in decline for decades. That’s the reality of it.

Nice hot take. No one is saying that gun control is going to cure everything. No one. The people you are calling dumb aren’t thinking that at all.

Meh. Fuck him and his defenders.

While I agree that 12 year olds and man-children might think being a “wizard” is cool, there is no comparison when it comes to the visual language and style. There are people who genuinely like Comic Sans, but that doesn’t mean that using it in your email is good design or visually appealing to most people. But yes,

I think it is more complicated than that. Also, note this is geared towards wypipol, so feel free to skip if it doesn’t apply to your situation.

Ditto. Just like BoJack, I didn’t see the signs because I didn’t think it could be.