
I am just not one of those city-living people. I like space and some privacy.

A friend of mine recently spent some time in FL so his gf (who is white) could take a special cosmetology course there. They were staying in a white part of town. Their neighbors, who were white, got into a domestic dispute, so he and his gf called the cops and took the woman down to the lobby of the apartment

“It is a level of humor that makes Rick and Morty look like teenage 4chan edgelords.”

The birthday sign that says “Happy Birthday Mr. Peanut Butter Peanutbutter is One Word Don’t Write ‘One Word.’”

This is going to be my Halloween costume this year. Vincent Adultman is my everything

Two words, three kids, one trenchcoat: Vincent Adultman.

If there were spoiler tags, I might have a something to say, but alas

You got us. None of the people here can name a single funny joke from this comedy tv show that we all claim to love. Pack it up everyone, ChaosOrdeal saw through our charade.

if you’re watching this show looking strictly for comedy, you’re missing half the point.

“Make America Great Again” is a racist agenda. If you are wearing something with that slogan, you are endorsing racist beliefs and policies.

To cover their asses over a potential unwarranted high speed chase; blame the victim, not themselves.