
Semantic win for you: Most of them may be free riders in our political system by being nonvoters. However, info war nuts steer right, vote right when they do, and support right.

Ha ha ha. And who do you think the vast majority of those fuck nuts voted for?

Hello. One of the many hats that I wear is a transportation. Yes, I have opinions on the internet, but people pay me for my opinions of transportation and make huge dollar decisions based on that.

And your solution is what? Jill fucking Stein? Ralph fucking Nader?


That’s not a real position. However, we could much more easily agree that people making $418k should receive massive tax cuts and should, at a minimum, pay what they do today.

Sure, the weather might have been a slight factor, but Scott was a comical shit show who got all his men killed.

I am sure that he was sorry because there were good people, on both sides.

People report on behavior. Retiring that your kid is a little shit isn’t biased when they are. Trump is a piece of shit.

Again, only the brain dead can’t connect “tougher border control” with “more electronic screening”.

Do your own research.

Why are you being a Trump apologist? Yes, this stuff is bad, but there is no chance that it is going to get better with Trump. He is in charge now, so he should do something about it.

Maybe if trump and his supporters weren’t so vile, there would be less negative press. 🤔

Do you not pay attention to Trump’s constant ramblings on how we have to be tougher ok immigration and security? Are you so dumb that you can’t put “we need more border security” and “more people are getting searched” together?

That’s cool, but fuck Trump. He is calling for agents to double down on this type of behavior, so if you think it was bad you should expect it to get worse.

WTF is a spore drive?

I guess these are the Rick and Morty fans who don’t have an IQ high enough to know that “super limited” is promoter speak for “one dozen”.

You are literally the problem with America.

Who hurt you? Who made you like this?

In that case a movie made in Hollywood by an Indian writer is a Bollywood flick?