
Looks like walking over a subway grate with these heels is a recipe for broken ankles. When the zombie apocalypse comes, I predict there will be zombie armies wearing stripper heels by day 2.

I don’t like to wear any shoe I cannot flee disaster in. Gotta be able to flee!

Hell no.

Let me help you with that answer: no.

Jeez...Thats the eyes of a pup who’s seen some shit.......

Some of y’all have never met an old lady who’s had to get rods in her toes to correct damage from years of wearing heels and it shows. 

Are we certain the dog just didn’t want to go with him?

Imagine hitting the privilege jackpot of being wealthy, white, conventional pretty and yet settling for an even creepier Mr. Eraserhead. She thinks he is going somewhere, so she’s decided to hitch her wagon to him. But all signs point to jail. Once his father is no longer around or able to prop him up, he will be a

We are seeing the Darwin awards in live action....

Have they said what prescription he was so desperate to have filled immediately? What are the chances it was viagra? Maybe 95%?

That was hysterical and I needed a laugh so badly tonight as I had to put my 17 year old kitty to sleep yesterday.  Thank you for sharing that!

LeVar was positioned to due poorly. They gave him less time to succeed, pitted his episodes against the Olympics, and I’ve heard that Richards got to choose which of LeVar’s episodes went to the focus groups. I think all of this gets left out of a lot of the coverage which means people are judging him as if they all

I’m not trying to keep Burton from the roll. I think he would be fine, and he’s got both a genial demeanor and a lot of trust capitol that some of the other options (cough cough mayim bialik cough cough) don’t really have. The problem with LeVar is that a substantial minority of viewers didn’t think he did a great

I still say the new host needs to be a beloved, charismatic and funny Canadian.

I saw this too.

LeVar Burton. Paging LeVar Burton.

You were in Lake Minnetonka?

It’ll go from 40 mph to 0 mph fast enough to throw someone overboard if you’re not careful.

Cape Fear! It totally just came to me.