Geer Boggled

Because of their greater exposure to different cultures through soccer. Kicking things is a global language

Brilliant! Now I see our strategy for stopping their missile tests.

Jesus Christ dude did you even read ONE WORD of the article before posting your entirely redundant comment? I mean FFS.

At the very least you are getting audited this year.

Kind of a distraction if you ask me.

My husband and I went.

How much would a walk-up ticket cost halfway through the first quarter? I need to know so I can tell the embers of NFL disdain in my soul how much more to smolder.

I got you both beat, I’ve never been on the Internet

“The Kush” ha!

The one time being grey pays and they star you... unbelievable.

You ever seen a sunburnt fish? Makes you think.

Diana, I have been reading this website for a long time, and since you have been here, you’ve covered more of the most awful things imaginable than just about anyone else I’ve seen on the internet. Thank you for continuing to shine light on the darkest stuff, it’s a job most avoid and of those few courageous enough to

It should have been you, Zack Hample.

They never said anything remotely as over the top idiotic as Trump and you know it. Neither has ever called for an entire country to be destroyed because of the megalomania of their leader. Obama and Clinton understand diplomacy, unlike the orange clown who is so used to people doing whatever he said because he paid

No you’re wrong when you call your 1 year old a 16 month old.

Chili Davis. Now that was a guy with a name.

Now playing

Well, my balls aren’t big enough to run a sub 10 minute lap! Seriously...this is terrifying to me.

when it’s trash day and the dump closes in 5 minutes

I can only imagine the dinner party discussions you’d have are like: