Geer Boggled

Hell yea. That behind the back to avoid the trap was the tits.

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I Liked Tyus Edney’s better. He had .8 sec more to work with but legit went coast to coast and finished with a soft kiss of the glass over a guy a foot taller than him. Bruins were a fun team to watch that year.


Nailed it.


Think I just found a glitch in the matrix. I wanted to give you a star, so I clicked the star. The number dropped by one. I thought I was seeing things so I clicked again. It dropped by one. I clicked several times in a row to see what would happen and you guessed it, it dropped several numbers. So, sorry for taking

smells like poetry to me


What’s up with the thumb throttle? Is that a new thing I don’t know about? Dirt bikes should be twisty. Thumb throttles are for quads.

Don’t be so sure. While out for a hike the other day I came across this lovely specimen grazing on foliage. Just after I was able to snap this picture, it noticed me watching it and scampered off through some thick brush. My attempts to track it were unsuccessful. It was a very elusive couch.

Steve Bannon looks like Jon Voight eaten by an anaconda.

Ugh. Early 90's when I was 10 or 12, everybody had a starter jacket and I had some cheap bullshit nylon knock-off. I got teased. Even by my so called friends.

Jason Terry is still playing basketball. Feels like that guy has been around forever. Gotta be the oldest guy in the league now right? Now that KG’s gone...

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Not that he probably doesn’t have an enormous shop filled with expensive tools, but I would be willing to bet the trick was tried lots of times into a foam pit before it was attempted to the solid landing seen in the video. So maybe replacing some parts here and there but not a new machine after every crash. Plus

That was my favorite part too

Westbrook should be a starter. That’s the snub.

bad opinion

I think you went to my HS and the teacher you’re talking about is Mr. Trimble. Guy was like 5'5", 300 lbs and had a bum knee but I never saw anyone beat him.

Made that same drive with two friends while on vacation a couple summers ago. It’s a neat little town, we were there near the end of June. Crazy part was meeting some fellow Minnesotans who were in AK on vacation as well. Had a beer with them sitting on a patio overlooking the bay with the mountains in the background.

God I would love that