Geer Boggled

I can’t wait.

Ha! Never gets old.

Kevin Tapani

Minnesota! It’s the funky shaped hat of Mr. Mimal! (not sure what’s happening over there with Montana and Idaho...)

You guys rag on certain male sports announcers/sports show tv personalities fairly often for their terrible takes. Cowherd, Bayless, Whitlock, Buck, and on and on. I rarely if ever see any negative posts about their female counterparts. Any reason for this? Obviously these rolls are male dominated so there are fewer

And then ima sew your asshole shut and keep feedin you and feedin you and feedin you


So at 1:29, is that a pirate with a really large hand just hanging out on the back porch? Because it looks to me like there’s a pirate with a really large hand hanging out on the back porch. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet would like a word with you.

Meh. Not that far fetched. That’s 13 drinks with 2oz pours, less if the drinks are burned. I may be a bit of an alcoholic but that’s totally doable throughout the evening.

Needs more stars.

Or a Family Guy cutaway.

I’ve been waiting for this one. It’s my favorite.

*atc* all-terrain cycle

That’s good news. I know a couple guys who’ve said the few days after were torture. You never hear about the good ones I guess...

Got my dog neutered 2 weeks ago. He seemed totally fine when I picked him up. No signs of pain or discomfort. I can expect similar results after my vasectomy, right?

Holy shit. There went 3 hours fast, quick, and in a hurry. Now I’ve got down time at work covered for the next few months. This guy is awesome.

Dude you just gotta quit with these morons. All they want to do is argue and they’ll never stop. They’re all ridiculous in thinking you said anything offensive at all in your original post. I think the majority of people, men AND women would agree with that.