
Home for the Pauladays?

If anything, they’re both Regina George, and Miley Cyrus is Janis Ian.

In America it would have to be preceded by a couple of forced-ultrasound drones, a doctor drone to read a bunch of state government-mandated bullshit off an index card and another drone to go find your parents and tell them what you did.

Someday soon, we will look at abortion the way we look at slavery. Get on the right side of history, feminists.

NOP NOP NOP none of the Queen songs ever can be done by Kanye.

Ah, makes sense thank you.

The problem seemed to have started near the upper part of the first stage/the border between the two stages. I can think of at least two possible things that happened:

1. When the piping pulled off the rocket at launch, the middle one was still spewing content, which I think was the liquid oxygen (given that the oxygen

Ohhh, I need to spread that on some crackers...

Next to Channing on the right in the first video in a white tshirt and jean shorts sitting on what may be a speaker.

Just to show how much of a Philistine I am, if no one told me that was a giant vagina I would have guessed a giant Ricola horn.

This is like D-grade trolling, bro. You can’t imply someone has no respect for themselves when you literally spend your day trying to make other people feel bad on the internet.

Go choke on a bag of tiny plastic dicks, bro.

from what i read the guy who lived at the house dragged her into the garage and closed the door trying to save her

3 guesses and they all point to Carl Winslow up top.

worthless religious nut job....

I used to fall into the “she’s not funny” camp, but after more exposure to her, I admit now that I was wrong. She gave an interview where she made what is (to me) an interesting point, saying that she’s always portrayed as this girl who just tells dirty sex jokes. That was my initial familiarity with her material, and

Right but who is the one that thinks an 8 yr old can be made sexy? fuckin that guy.

[gasp] ... you ...... you’re a monster!

That dad has serious issues. I hope his daughter was able to flourish in spite of him.