Classical Gas

Actually, I thought it was a well-written article about the show. If you don’t like “hack bloggers,” why are you reading their articles? Why you try writing a better article then, and quit whining?

...please don’t tell me you can’t recognize a Big Lebowski reference on the A.V. Club.

DC should just declare everything except Wonder Woman non canonical. Recast everyone but her and start with simple Batman, Superman, etc movies. Film 8 or so should a Justice League movie. Completely change the tone. Hire Bruce Timm or hell anyone competent to run it. Either that or make a Flash movie that introduces

Oh good Lord. Thor: Ragnarok made the DEADLY sin of daring to take a cartoon Viking god less seriously when inhabited by an actor who actually is OK at self-deprecating comedy.

The movie treated Thor like the epic metal album cover he is: ridiculous and grandiose, but self-aware enough to enjoy that instead of taking

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

Politics Corner - NK’s Current Kim Answered the Predisent’s Baseless Irresponsible Threats With Some of His Own and the Top Story is Healthcare edition. The Senate GOP, which is at most two votes away from passing a bill that would tear up our Healthcare system, without a CBO score or comittee hearings, over the

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

It is impossible to explain, to the way too many people who aren’t watching, the kind of emotional impact something like solving a video game can have on this show. There is nothing else like it.

It’s closer to being entertainment news than Big Bang Theory reviews, at least.

Man, so this is... a hell of a lot less content on screen at once, with a whole lot of shit buried further than it used to be. I guess I could see this format working for a site that updates once or twice a day, but keeping track of everything given how fast the AV Club tends to update is going to be a real pain in