Rogue Galaxy drove me nuts with all the random battles, special animations, voiceovers and general plodding along .. at the time I felt I needed to finish it to get the most “value” from it .. such nonsense. If I’m not having fun, why play?
Rogue Galaxy drove me nuts with all the random battles, special animations, voiceovers and general plodding along .. at the time I felt I needed to finish it to get the most “value” from it .. such nonsense. If I’m not having fun, why play?
Loving how safe my money is from this
Goodness, it seems like they have the look “right” if we want to see a return to G1 styling.. and let’s face it, who doesn’t?
Thank goodness.. so very tired of boys and “men” getting away with mistreating women, trying to have consequence, society allowing it, organizations silent.. respectful treatment in the first place, please, though dropping a firm consequence-hammer will hopefully awaken more to their own responsibility.. to be human..
So we’re to measure the degree of this kid’s offense by how much time he took doing it? I find this father wanting of any humanity.. with no sense of responsibility, guilt.. jeezus, can we put him away, too?
There isn’t a heart in there, right?
The sexual trauma inherent in human trafficking is devastating...breaks my heart. I can’t imagine this football player had any idea what terrible shape the girl was (and is) in, but, by all accounts of multiple partners in this incident and the up to 25 onlookers, honestly, how anyone can believe a 15-year old girl…
Have only managed about 20 minutes of gametime in the last month.. hopefully I can play some Darkest Dungeon tonight.
Holy hell.. actually held my breath watching the vids.. can’t remember the last time that happened! Putting on my buy list, for sure.
Still punishing myself playing Darkest Dungeon.. love it.
Simply amazing. And having seen these two on TV for so long, you know they’re grateful.. most excellent!
Mmm.. the more people who play a game make it more likely the studio that creates it will survive and be able to create another game.. which we’ll get to play.. where’s the downside here?
How about all these “best of” lists - Xbox One, PS4, PC, Wii - ONLY contain exclusives? With a special subsection of cross-platform games...
Hope this mod makes it to console.. we’ll see how serious Sony and MS really are about this.
Glad to see these older games get some love.
The style and art direction seem dead-on. Gritty, dark, brutally violent. I’ll take it.
You hire a crisis manager when you don’t want to deal with things directly. Whether or not this is BS, it would qualify. (Personally, I don’t see Manning involved with HGH - seems like a smear for attention.)
Oh, and don’t forget the total snore-fest that is Star Wars: Battlefront
The 100. Felt to me as if it became a convoluted mess...and seriously, how is Clarke sorta-in-charge?
Reminds me how Snoopy overtook Peanuts. Shame, shame.