
If I recall, 'give up the ghost' usually refers to head gasket blowing causing coolant to make way out exhaust in a steamy 'ghostly' way.... Maybe no

I'm not sure about Mercedes, but Toyota invested like 50M to start Tesla production of model S (based on lotus exige, which was joint designed with MR Spider). Plus they sold their part of the Fremont production facility to them for almost nothing. There was a joint EV program with Toyota for short time too. Not sure

Me thinks this is related to the relationship with Toyota. Think, nobody is buying an autonomous Toyota for at least 20 years, Tesla would make a good customer for the system. Toyota was advertising future plans for automation back in 05-6, and even the lame ass Prius has had LKA, Sonar cruise for years.

Is this also safer than a standard reactor? Seems that encompassing the rods in lead would seal the rods from outside environment if it cooled? I understand carbon absorbs the electrons to stop the runaway, but seems like this has a built in fail safe? Maybe the lead becomes more of a radioactive hazard than it would

Agreed, but sometimes it's better the way it was designed and the F40 is probably pretty close to perfect, but I'll never know because brokeasscarguy.

...until the drought we had real grass

I'm only agreeing with you if I'm in zone A, and sometimes B. End half of B boarding can be as bad as C, and both of those can suck it. Morons filling the overhead trying to be cheap asses like me because my employer wants to avoid checking fees..... Wait..

yeah, they stole my grandma's '98 Rav-4 bumper.... What plicks!

it's actually called Brue.

I'm sure living life does put miles on looks, but this dude has hurt himself so much that when it all catches up to him at actual age 40 he isn't gonna be moving much. Be willing to bet pain killers help age that mug too, never hear anything about that.

I think the solution is to use Patrick Swayze's DNA to make Russian killing clones.

Consider human reaction time for both people involved, how slow the video is to see this, I'd still say he walked at Stewarts car long enough to expect getting hit.

Didn't appear that the truck driver cared enough about the damage, if he was hit.

I agree with that.

No cop = no stop.

No, it hauls ass.

RHD with shifter on right is the way to build it, just like original. Looks very proper in pictures.

Stewart is the only one who knows for sure.

26000???? For a tiny Ford?

Not really a Nissan if it's heart is a GM power plant.