
1. Slow RETURN for accel pedal, not stuck on, ever.

Says the dude who drives or owned a minivan. Must be a lot of you with 200+ stars? Maybe yes?

Somewhere a 914 sits on blocks missing motor and trans? Removed hastily before owner woke up?

Considering the cost to build a badass VW motor is about $6,000 if you do it yourself, I think this is crazy. That super beetle w/o motor ain't worth more than $1,000 with $500 cash under the deck lid.

I think that's why she's been unemployed since January.

Thankfully no. Most folks I know actually refer to rust as 'Chevy Loctite', and these GM cars/trucks even rust in CA.

Ah yes.

I used to work for one of the large Japanese manufacturers during their recall.

I am 100% for getting people like this off the road. Basic transportation for most people can be satisfied with driverless cars, and I think even the dude with the most teeth on his head would welcome a nap on the way to work.

- for every ass , there is a seat! Upon this seat sat some meat, but oh this meat was NOT so sweet.

I'm gonna use that first part. It is actually rather exciting to think how many things 'busting in the rear and shoots out this white stuff' can describe....

You see what I see. Looked rather mellow considering many offroad cars eat shit much harder/faster (oooh!) and people live all the time.

Olaf was watching the World Cup on his super awesome Russian smartphone and fell asleep.....

Seems like easy way to recover some energy. Problem is probably reliability/durability.

Agreed. And to add to that :

yeah but it saves me money to carpool

So for under $20,000 you can get a used hairdressers car ? Sounds good. Does it come with a skirt ?

I was referring to the shape most can relate to, and you are correct sir.

Uh.... I can never tell the early 70's Chevelle from the Novas from the rear.