
You’re a goddamn hero, Matt.

Rudolph, do us a favor, and stop equating inconsequential things to cancer. Makes you look unintelligent.

You know perfectly well that what’s behind these claims are not “art and artists”, don’t even pull that crap.

“Come next Wednesday, lets see how what sort of mental gymnastics are required to explain that terrorism can’t be stopped with a fucking hashtag”.

You’re forgetting, these are Americans. The only thing they love more than shooting guns is excess.

I apologize that my 1 minute snarky post (I know, I know. I’m reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyyyyy adding time to the SDLC) bothered you. Maybe if you stopped obsessing over the comments that someone you don’t know (at least I assume I don’t know you) made, you would be in a better mood.

Worth pointing out that you don’t need to necessarily protect copyright. Those last basically no matter what. Trademark is a bit different and subject to certain conditions but doesn’t require absolute policing. Trademark is threatened by dilution but faces larger threat through issues like abandonment.

If you have 160 seats and you sell 160 tickets, who cares if 20 people don’t show up? You still made money off of all 160 tickets right? It’s just greed that makes them sell additional tickets. I feel like there should be a law against overbooking. It’s basically false advertising.

Hey, just posting to let you know that you’re kind of a monster.

Being punished for breaking unjust laws doesn’t mean you “deserve it”. Deserving something means you did something bad that equals the punishment given. To say he deserves it means that you agree with the law in place. When someone deserves something, it

If nothing else, the end of Gawker gives another stock line to individual morons who NEED NEED NEED to complain about the existence of some post that doesn’t meet their inscrutable definition of what belongs on the other blogs.

Which is just shorthand for “you don’t have a right to privacy.”

The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”

Never, ever buy something from G2A. So many people get banned from games and have games removed from their accounts and wonder why it’s happening. It’s more often than not because you bought something from G2A that came from a stolen credit card. I see this happening in GTA V all of the time.

Yeah I heard on Kotaku it’s better than Civ V with the Brave New World expansion pack.

As much as I hate people who spread hate and idiocy through the world using the net, this article needs correction to what it is really about, “Tech Giants Quietly Automate Process to Remove Unapproved Speach from Sites.”

Hey, this sounds interes...

Mickey goes where the money is.