My Coffee Addiction Is No Concern Of Yours

My beef with Alien 3 is that is really Alien 2. They get rid of the other surviving characters from Aliens off camera and with minimal impact to the story such that the whole second movie may as well have not happened.

I’m a swimmer, baby shampoo definitely helps with goggles fogging. I do a mix of 1 part baby shampoo to 9 parts water, and put in a spray bottle, and do a squirt into the goggles and swish it around before I head to the pool or ocean to give it time to dry.

What no mention of the educational opportunities afforded by the University of Miami? What is he going to major in?

About 10% of AFL players are of indigenous (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) descent, compared to the overall Australian population where they represent about 3%. Aussie Rules is one of the more integrated parts of Australian society as a result.

Coming back to this late, I suspect my memory of this is influenced by when the shows screened in Australia, which was often off by a season or two depending on the series.

My wife and I are lucky enough that our incomes are similar and sufficiently high that we have only really had to worry about getting our mortgage coming out of the shared account and have split the other bills more by feel than by any real analysis (though we are slowly looking at changing that). I have to imagine

The way she left LA Law to end up on Star Trek was pretty funny - her character fell down an elevator shaft (doors opened with no car). She literally stepped out into space and ended up on TNG :-)

+1 on the nano puff, my go to travel jacket (I prefer the hoodless version myself).

+1 on the nano puff, my go to travel jacket (I prefer the hoodless version myself).

Counterpoint: Paul Allen buying the Seahawks