
Best thing would have been if the tripped kid got up and decked him. That’s language Allen would understand, and with a messed up face to follow.

You’re right, what is with that music!

He should have been gone long ago, except that the Bears, to quote the Tabby Cat himself, “Don’t CAAAAARRRRREEE”.


Nice reply, AllegedBlackMan, but these folks are only interested in disparaging a mostly-white sport. Don’t engage with them.

Oh, yes, that’s something you should wince and worry about.

Yes, right, SF Mike, a great opportunity this story is to promote Hillary.

And so the parents - what? No responsibility? Only get involved when it’s time to sue? Just like the Catholic priests’ horror show - Catholic parents stand around pretending they knew nothing. Time for Dads to stand up for once, protect their own.