
I feel the same is also true with regards to ageism. If classrooms full of children were dying en masse rather than entire nursing homes full of elderly people there would be overnight mass mobilization and political consensus to do whatever is necessary to stop the disease. People didn’t care because, at least in the

Au contraire, madame. Tinsdale is a queen who shall be sorely missed. The girl doesn’t have a mean bone in her body and she never stood on another woman’s neck to make herself look tall. We ought to value and respect that more.

I’m 100% going to vote for him because Trump is basically Nero fiddling while Rome burns to the ground, but my word, I find this man’s personality like nails on a chalk board. I couldn’t even get through the video. He’s constantly coming off as this out of touch old man barking at people in a grating or condescending

If you want to look sexy but sophisticated bare only one at a time: legs, cleavage, or shoulders.

These women spend a lot of money to look terrible. Chop. Off. That. Rat’s. Nest.

The best part of this whole exchange was stoned Mauricio nodding in agreement. Those two were melding on an alternate plane where only people who ingest too many pot brownies and new age cosmic healers reside.

This is one of the most disappointing elections of my lifetime. For the first time ever there were multiple candidates I would not just joyfully vote for but enthusiastically campaign for. I felt optimistic about the future of my country and the democratic party. I allowed myself to get invested in the process, even

Now playing

Sure, but be aware that you’re potentially adding fuel to an age old propaganda narrative used to demonize and fracture movements that benefit working people. It’s union busting tactics 101 applied to national politics. The most dangerous thing to the status quo is a united front, so promoting factionalism and

I wish I had the luxury of prioritizing how “tiresome” the fight for life saving healthcare, access to education, and a decent quality of life is over doing everything I can to support that movement because I desperately need these changes for myself and the people I love. When I hear people avoiding the message and

In America we have always had socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everybody else.

I will never understand this website’s interest in trolling Pete Davidson. Is he a ridiculous character? Sure. Is he relevant or awful enough to justify following his every move? Nope. Maybe I’m out of touch, but this guy isn’t even a blip on my radar. I only ever hear his name on Jezebel.

What do conspiracy theories have to do with the hard fact that neo-nazis unfurled a nazi flag at a Sanders rally? Can we look beyond politics for a moment and acknowledge that antisemitism is wrong, even if it’s directed at someone who is not your chosen candidate? This is not a good look for you.

I’ve seen way too many democrats on social media writing off or making light of white supremacists waving a nazi flag at a Jewish American. A lot of these twitter comments were indistinguishable from the sort of things people wearing red hats post. It had me shook. I’m hoping many of them were trolls trying to stoke

When it comes to relationships in the workplace, I think it comes down to a case by case basis. You can’t make a hard and fast rule that either it’s OK to date/shag someone you work with or it’s not. One must know the specifics and hear all perspectives involved to judge whether or not the relationship was an abuse of

My election fatigue is reaching fever pitch. Throwing more Clinton into the mix might kill me. I will not be watching this documentary or contemplating Bill’s sex life any time soon.

I was a Warren stan who voted strategically for Sanders, so I’m obviously on the other end of the messaging/ideology spectrum, and even I get her appeal. She’s a person I could trust to competently and fairly run the country, even if I don’t align with her ideologically. Most of the center or right leaning dems don’t

The race is still neck and neck. Sanders can still win. Last time Biden was in the lead he was knocked out in short order by his own vulnerabilities. He’s objectively not a strong candidate. His campaign has lasted this long solely on name recognition, association with Obama, and large donors. The more he takes center

The only option if you’re a progressive is Sanders now. I hate to say it because she was my first choice, but voting for Warren at this point is throwing your vote away. Personally, I think Sanders has a much better shot of beating Trump and actually addressing the important issues we face. I do think it’s time that

It looks like there’s an effort to consolidate support for Biden before super Tuesday, which means I’m likely strategically voting for Sanders rather than Warren now. I urge others who think we need to try something new (and beat Trump) to do the same. My heart will always be with Liz but there’s a time when you’ve

“Garaffa’s license has been suspended for five months; Capece has been suspended for a full year.”