I mean, can you blame him? I think if W wanted to sneak in a flask or do some bumps in the bathroom with Biden, we can excuse a little tumble off the ol’ wagon.
I mean, can you blame him? I think if W wanted to sneak in a flask or do some bumps in the bathroom with Biden, we can excuse a little tumble off the ol’ wagon.
Have you ever talked to someone with dementia?
I was not prepared for that picture of R-Kellyanne.
Bright orange savior.
As someone who lived with a pathological liar and narcissist, everything you said was spot on.
Right? Let that poor baby rest in peace. People wouldn’t be half as fascinated by this case if she hadn’t been a pretty blonde beauty queen, and it’s not like she had any choice in that matter. It was 20 years ago, so like you said, unless it’s been announced that it’s been solved, people really need to let it go.
I don’t know why they keep booking me for these chicken-shit gigs!
Nah. Everyone has narcissistic traits to a certain extent, and celebrities usually have more than the average bear, because it helps them succeed, but that doesn’t mean that they have NPD. NPD is a serious personality disorder.
Honestly, after hearing some of the justifications by Trump supporters, like a mother telling her 22-year-old son with Crohn’s that “we’ve never been on Obamacare, so you’ll be fine. Besides, I know someone had to pay more in premiums when it got instated. And you’ll be on our health insurance until you’re 27.”...it…
Are you from California, too?
It’s like her pelvis isn’t even connected to her spine.
I bet that Bill and Hil get high as fuuuuuuuuck before the inauguration.
I also know a few higher-ups in the military who know Dubya and other Bush’s to a certain degree, and they all say the same thing. The guy was a horrible, horrible president, and I don’t think that his poor decisions should be white-washed by the comparison to Trump, but as a person, he has a good sense of humor and…
That lipstick is perfection on her.
It happens to the best of us; it’s hard to keep up with all of his various aliases. That person must have absolutely no life.
He needs to quit it with the facelifts; he’s starting to look like Melania.
But are they as bad as white men from Des Moines visiting Europe?
I see you’ve met my ex.
Rihanna, Lupita Nyong’o, and Vivien Leigh are examples of what human perfection looks like.
His ghostwriter for “The Art of the Deal” has said that he is most definitely not a completely different person behind doors. He’s always what we see of him.