
I’ve got a friend with a chromosomal makeup that originally put her in a sub-gendered state. It’s like these asses don’t understand that gender is less a single-line and more a plot map.

I love how all the TERFs on here are getting het up that this is a law to PROTECT them from all those scary trans women who might try to pee in their vicinity, without noticing that the same law is effectively forcing them to share a bathroom with trans MEN.

Trans girls see penises from birth, and the only reason it psychologically distresses them is because the damned things are attached to them! Most still seem to be able to grow up into well adjusted adults, though.

This is why I loved Kinsey’s work so much.... the concept of sexual and gender fluidity is something I’ve always recognized as the norm. Having bigoted parents, this is a mystery.... but still gives me hope that the children of these ignorant assholes might actually survive and turn out ok.

Yeah cuz if I guy goes into the ladies room and says “I know I look like a guy, sound like a guy, and have -for the entire time you have known me- presented as a guy, but I was born a biological female so I legally have to use this bathroom with you” that’s not weird at all lol.

It makes me so fucking mad.

Not to mention Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, XYY, etc.

I’m a cis gendered woman. I’m just not terrified by trans women. Just so you know, you sound EXACTLY like every racist who apposed the abolishing of segregation laws. I don’t normally make that type of comparison, but in this case it fits. They also didn’t want to be forced to share a public space with people who were

The ladies’ room it is, then!

I care about the safety of both cis and transgendered women. Which is why I think everybody should stop obsessing about a stranger’s genitals and allow us all to pee in peace. Why does the trans community scare you so much? What do even think trans women do in the restroom that’s so different from what cis gendered

As a woman, I have no idea whether I’ve ever used a restroom at the same time as a trans woman because I don’t spy on anyone while they’re taking a leak. I also don’t force the other occupants to show me their genitals, which would be sexual assault and also I don’t give a shit.

Holy shit, what do you do in the bathroom? Most of us just take a leak and move on. If I go to the bathroom and don’t happen to look particularly femine, are you going to force me to drop trou to prove I belong there?

As I trans man and I feel downright invasive using the women’s bathroom. I feel like guilty because that’s your space. I’m a dude and look like it. The only thing this law does is to put a man exactly in the women’s bathroom.

Considering that many XX males and XY females never learn their unusual condition, it would be hilarious if by some astounding condition it turned out everyone who voted for this bill found out they had it.

A small kid seeing 100 murders per hour on TV = totally cool.

No one, of any gender or sexual orientation, should be taught to be “scared of a penis”. If you’re supporting the idea that someone should be afraid of a penis, or a vagina, or intersex genitalia, then you’re a shit person. Generally, women and non-binary people that are afraid of men (broadly speaking) are afraid of

You apparently don’t know anything about science.

1. If a child is transgender and identifies as male, they’re actually your son, not daughter. Therefore they are not a young woman using a bathroom with young men, they are a young man using a bathroom with young men.

Which I seem to remember are far, far more common than people think (in the low single % digits), it’s just many are essentially asymptomatic.

Speaking as a trans woman, this couldn’t be more true. That’s where we take gender norms to destroy them, and it’s also the main conversion site where we recruit the children. This is a crushing blow against our war on The American Way.