The mainstream media doesn't slant left. Facts slant left. When they seem that way it's because they're doing their jobs. Here, we're talking about how they're not doing their jobs.
The mainstream media doesn't slant left. Facts slant left. When they seem that way it's because they're doing their jobs. Here, we're talking about how they're not doing their jobs.
omg you think a man being friends with a woman is a doormat? (that is what i parsed from your incoherent post, anyhow.) wow, you truly are a sad, sad little man. no wonder you’re raging at the world—most of the world views men like you with utter contempt, and that must be an uncomfortable position to find yourself…
Exactly and it is infuriating. I remember when they endlessly ‘echo chambered’ the Swift Boat nonsense.
Even NPR let this shit slide this morning without bringing up Anthony Kennedy, or even asking how often the situation had come up before.
A few years ago at a large conference, a male scientist interrupted and mansplained the topic a woman scientist was discussing to her. He then recommended she read the public research of a prominent “lady scientist” in her general field. Who happened to be the very woman he was talking down to. Oops.
“Hard to the left”? LMAO. If only they reported facts, like the earth being only being 6,000 years old, climate change being a hoax, and Obama’s fake birth certificate. Luckily, you have Rush Limbaugh to tell you the facts, Champ.
Look, in all fairness, Pres Obama is talking about hard working folks who slave at their jobs an average of 11.083 days a month. What does he expect from them, they're exhausted!
I hope they stall, stall, stall and shoot themselves in the by doing so. Then president Sanders or Clinton can appoint a liberal instead of the moderate Obama certainly would have appointed.
you know, if you take off your fedora and hold it under your chin upside down, it could act as a basin for the profuse man-tears of butthurt you’re crying over there. then you could look into that basin any time you’re feeling sorry for yourself and need to be reminded of just how unfair the world is to you as a dude.
This. I rarely hear the terms “crazy smart”, “genius” etc applied to women.
I mean forget gender bias for one second, this should be a huge strike against men as they are inferior at evaluating the ability of subordinates if they ever enter a leadership role. How can you trust men to head up departments or use grant money wisely when they are so inferior at evaluating a candidate’s ability?
I feel it’s time to bring out one of my favorite memes!
it can feel like if a guy screws up, he just made a mistake. If a woman does, it’s because women shouldn’t be scientists.
I’m sure that’s part of it. In my experience, women are less likely to speak up because we feel like we have to be 100% correct about everything, and better and smarter than the guys. I’m sure it’s all in my head, but it can feel like if a guy screws up, he just made a mistake. If a woman does, it’s because women…
In the words of another high-achiever who has to deal with guys who are self-satisfied jerks,
When I was assigned group projects, I would overestimate many of my male colleagues by assuming they would contribute.
I’m not surprised at all. It’s how we raise boys, we teach them to think they’re the shit and that all the other guys are the shit too. We raise girls to be nervous balls of self-doubt and to be wary of and/or competitive with other women. And it’s not like feminists are doing a good job at the whole solidarity thing,…
THIS. I’m a chemical oceanography PhD student. I speak up all the time. Do great work. But every time I meet a new scientist, we have to go through the thing where they assume I am not as good as my male colleagues. Said colleagues pretend they get it is messed up, but don’t hesitate to enjoy and take advantage of the…
100% sure that this kind of bias will not stop dudes from letting the woman in their study groups do all of the work.
“Something under the conscious is going on,” Grunspan said. “For 18 years, these [young men] have been socialized to have this bias.”