
I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think China is an overly-medicated society. I don’t think they really medicate for mental illnesses at all, they just ignore the issue all together. Sometimes people truly are sick, and they’re not helped. It’s like the opposite side of the “issue with mental health stigma” coin.

Viola Davis, too. Nina was such a brilliant, complex person. Viola would have embodied that complexity without overacting or making it two-dimensional. (not that the mega-talented Uzo would, but I think the movie is focusing on Nina’s later years and Uzo is a bit young.)

In no way does Lawrence have the clout to shut down a whole production. It doesn’t work like that for women in Hollywood, especially young ones, even if they’re white.

It’s always been full of spoiled man-babies, now they just have the Internet as a platform to group together and shriek about whatever is enraging them that hour.

Yeah, I’m with you on that. Scalia could be a terrible, terrible person, but he was staggeringly intelligent, and respected for that quality even amongst his peers at the opposite side of the political spectrum.

They both seem like the parents everyone should be so lucky to have. My mother is a narcissist and all around nightmare, and I figured that one out as really little kid, so I have always kind of had this habit of “collecting” surrogate mother figures to emulate and look up to, even in adulthood. I probably need so

The problem is, I think a lot of them are happy to do just that.

Do those people think that once a woman turns 30, she immediately dissolves into the crypt keeper? Why is 29 the age that the pearl-clutchers deem the beginning of spinsterhood? Like, that’s when a lot of people are finishing up graduate school, finally settling into their careers, or realizing that the economy sucks

Yeah, I’m not too sure how many cycles of that he has left in him. It looks like it’s getting harder and harder for him to get back to the Jay Gatsby/Wolf of Wallstreet physique, since he retains more bloat each time.

Ha, I remember watching the video of him trying to explain that.

I was not expecting this to appear as I scrolled down.

Holy shit, I have never been so instantaneously angry at a comment before.

This is important. I don’t think it’s that “oh, women are wired for empathy, because of their emooooootions” like some dudes like to screech, it’s that we actively socialize boys to lack it.

Thinking good thoughts for you! I know it’s nerve-wracking!

There are some very aggressive breast cancers that don’t respond too well to treatment, or have a tendency to later metastasize despite treatment. There are also factors that play into the outcome of breast cancer that aren’t found in certain other cancers, like hormone receptor status, and oncogene expression.


I can’t listen to Trump talk because it makes me want to start punching myself in my face until forever.

Sending the army into Detroit during the race riots of 1967 actually was part of what set the wheels in motion for the Detroit of today. And there really isn’t a “oh, we need to do this to fix that” solution for Detroit’s issues. Detroit has suffered a serious combination of racism, corruption, and crony capitalism,

Jinkx and Dela have given me such lofty expectations for the Seattle queens. Especially when it comes to Snatch Game. Not that that’s fair of me, or anything.

I’m calling Bob and Kim Chi for two of the top three.