
Right? Her lips make a perfect heart. That’s a fucking gorgeous picture; it really looks more like art than an advertisement, at least to me.

I think what’s confusing about your comment is that you say you’d be proud to have the body you do if you were black. I understand the frustration that comes with being fetishized and harassed, but you would not be immune to that if you were a WoC. In fact, it may very well be even worse. At the risk of coming off as

All the stars for this glorious combination of both obscenely beautiful model, and Venus.

I got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer.

Indeed it is. I’ve always respected her here, but she crossed a line with this one.

Hahahahahahaha. Doesn’t make good headlines? You’re fucking delusional. That’s what MAKES the headlines, as I’m sure you are well aware of if you’ve ever been on Reddit.

Austin seems like such a fun place to live. I’ve never immediately fallen in love with a city like I did the first time I visited Austin.

Yup, that’s exactly how I feel as well. And a different version of that is also how I feel about Kanye these days.

Speaking as someone who is in the middle of a CS degree, that self-grandeur pops up a LOT amongst a certain (read: young, white, male) portion of the group. Not all of them, but enough.

Whaaaaaat? Do you have some sources on that? Because I couldn’t find anything at all. The only thing was a nose job speculation, and honestly, they used a picture from when she was a teenager and her nose didn’t look different so much as her face lost the teenage roundness.

You know, after watching Kendrick performance at the Grammys, it seems like he’s doing exactly what Kanye thinks HE’S doing.

One time I got really drunk and decided to look up pictures of botched plastic surgery on the Google. You know, typical Tuesday afternoon stuff.

I’m sorry, that’s such a shitty situation for you to be in. I hope you’re able to get it dealt with soon (hopefully by seeing another doctor, yours sounds mediocre).

Oh fuck the pain threshold shit. On that front, you just can’t win if you’re a woman.

Has anyone done a CT scan or ultrasound on you? Because that is exactly the experience I had with a complex cyst, and I ended up with a torsed ovary.

Yup. It’s an inevitability for most carroty ginger dudes.

I do give a shit about women’s safety. That includes trans women. I’m not afraid of trans women, and statistically a trans woman is far more likely to experience violence than I am. Violence, I might add, that is motivated by the same beliefs you’ve been offering up.

What the fuck are YOU talking about? Did I say a damn thing about voting on how feminine a trans person looks to grant them...access to women? No, I did not. But nice try intentionally misinterpreting the point. And what do you mean, access to women? What do you think happens in a bathroom? Do you think if a man wants

Right? The Internet, brothers, various famous works of art...

Holy shit, you’re one of those TERFs that all of the MRAs think represent the whole feminist movement! I thought you were just a myth!