
You know, you have every right to dislike the guy, and dislike his work. Many people do. I’m not much of a fan of a lot of his stuff, enjoy some of his other stuff, don’t think much of the guy as a person. However, he does work really hard as a content creator, and has for a few decades. Even with the podcasts, think

It’s such a bum deal that her charisma gets compared to Bill’s (I’m not saying you personally do that). Like, not only are women naturally seen as far less charismatic, but Bill is one of the most charismatic people out there. I can’t think of any other current politicians who have what he’s got. He’s like the Robert

Yup, they have this unflinching rigid view that “women are just irrational, hysterical and emotional! Mothers especially can’t be trusted, because of all of their feeeelings!”

Right? It’s pretty damn transparent when we’ve heard the Republicans scream about how Obama is a socialist for the past 8 years. But when an actual self-identified socialist is one of the Democrat candidates? You hear people say “Oh, my Republican father would vote for Bernie if he got the nom.”

This phenomenon was reeeeeally apparent in the Reddit comment sections for the “drunk female med student flips out on Uber driver” vs the “Taco Bell executive beats up Uber driver and then sues him” articles. For the former, you’d have thought she had come to their homes, fucked their dads in front of them, and then

Oh man, you just gave me a ‘Nam flashback, because the exact same thing happened to me.

Yup. I took ballet from ages 3 to 15 (and then sports thankfully took over) and I had similar turnout and feet. No matter how much you lie on your stomach in the frog stretch to try to improve your turnout, or do work with the theraband for your feet...either you have it or you don’t. And if you don’t have it, you

Yup, that’s what happened to Felicia Day, who, as a staple of the geek pack, wrote a piece on how she had always enjoyed approaching fellow gamers out in the “wild,” because of the sense of community, but after gamergate happened she realized she couldn’t trust that sense of community, and had become wary of

Yup, the tired and true “I want to go have my fun and stick my dick in everything, and then I want a nice girl who has been patiently waiting for me with her legs closed to take care of me and have/raise my kids. What? Those nice girls have needs and desires of their own that don’t revolve around me?! WHORES! THEY

Yup, you nailed it.

I’d watch the shit out of that.

I think that does make sense, considering a lot of them bleat “if Bernie doesn’t get the nom, I’m voting for Trump!” and when they’re pressed on why, it’s always “Hilary is crazy! Trump will help with these issues I’m having, speaks his mind, blah blah blah”

Oh, no, I totally agree with you. I wasn’t saying that all veterans shouldn’t be provided with support when they come back, just that it’s not as simple as “you knew what you were signing up for, them’s the breaks”.

No. Cause I ain’t no hollaback girl.

Ah, I’m not so good at picking up sarcasm in real life, much less online, so I apologize if I came across like I was attacking you. It was a total knee-jerk reaction.

Right? Both super-talented ladies. FKA Twigs for when you want to sit down to read or write some code or paint or maybe rub one out (have you SEEN her Papi Pacify video? Good lord) and Dawn Richard for when it’s time to dance around.

I’ll get started making sensible and monochromatic street signs!

It’s kind of complicated with some of those veterans. Like, yes, they did sign up for it, but a portion of them enlisted because they were trying to escape an abusive household, or they were too poor to afford college and didn’t have the smarts/extracurriculars/athletic talent for scholarships, and were pushed toward

We just have to find love with fellow non-creative people. We can all live in our mildly decorated houses, be about three years behind what is trendy with our haircuts, and wear comfortable shoes together!

Right? He’s 30. That would have been obnoxious 14 years ago, now it’s obnoxious AND pathetically attention seeking.