
The word “pal” always reminds me of how various publications refer to the woman who is very obviously Kristen Stewart’s girlfriend as her “gal pal”. Like, I’m pretty they could get caught doing it and the article would be like “We caught K-Stew hanging out with her favorite gal pal! It looks like her pal got too warm

Man, your word salad tastes mighty salty.

Speaking as a fellow tall lady, the height might help her out a bit. She’ll have to deal with insecure men of average height (because, in my anecdotal experience, the truly short men don’t care) feeling threatened, and all of the posturing that comes with that, but I’ve found that a lot of men seem to relish in being

Oooooh, I’ve heard similar things from people who work around or are fans of cars. What are some common personality types-vehicle preferences that you’ve seen?

You read the red pill subreddit for an extended period of time?

The person in the screen grab for the video isn’t white...

Yeah, his wikipedia page says that although in October he found out his bowel cancer had spread to his liver, he announced this month that his latest scans showed significant reduction in tumor mass and hadn’t spread to his other organs.

I firmly feel that Lupita is the most talented out of the young actresses in Hollywood right now. Even her voice acting as Maz Kanata was ridiculously good. She is also devastatingly gorgeous. She reminds me of the greats like Vivien Leigh: just a potent combination of talent, intelligence, and out-of-this-world, “how

And the same guys who will say, without a hint of irony, that men operate with “logic and rationality” and women are completely guided by their feeeeelings.

What constructive thing are you trying to do? You’re in a post about a woman getting killed because she turned down a man, and not only are you talking about how butthurt you are that someone was uncomfortable with you walking behind them, but you’re getting all worked up and telling people to “fuck off” and “fuck

Come on, man. Surely you can understand why that happens. Many, many, many women have been assaulted. You don’t know who has been or who hasn’t. They have learned they have to be wary, because not being so can result in beatings, rape, or death.

They should just know that he’s one of the ~nice ones, duh! How dare they make him feel awkward by eyeing him warily! That’s like “being treated like a rapist”, and it’s not faaaaaaaair.

That reminds me of when I was out with a male friend, and we saw a cell phone sitting on a bench. We picked it up to take it to the coffee shop about a block away (it had a passcode so we couldn’t text a mom/friend/etc. from it, or anything), and just as we got there we looked back to see a high-school aged girl

Your dad was an amazing person. I’m so sorry for your loss, and although I am a stranger on the Internet, I am very thankful for his existence, however long it was. Speaking as someone who grew up severely emotionally abused by a narcissist parent (though it was my mother instead of my father), I am so grateful that

I have to wonder if that pay increase percentage after an Oscar win extends to PoC, and particularly WoC. I can’t find any substantial data on it at the moment, though it is definitely worth digging into. The cynic in me seriously doubts it.

Dang, other than the difference in skin tone and hair texture, Cash is the spitting image of his dad. Genetics can be so weird sometimes.

You are gorgeous! And this picture is all kinds of fabulous.

Has she been tested for anemia/thyroid? That sounds frigidly familiar to me.

Oh, that name is so pretty!

Isn’t Joshley Madison like, 25 in this picture?