Anne’s darkened to that too, if I remember correctly. I think she first mentioned it growing back darker after the hair dying/short haircut incident, and then in later books it is described as an “attractive auburn.”
Anne’s darkened to that too, if I remember correctly. I think she first mentioned it growing back darker after the hair dying/short haircut incident, and then in later books it is described as an “attractive auburn.”
The Reddit meltdown over this article was hilarious. It was full of insecure dudes tripping over themselves to tell everyone why it wasn’t actually that impressive, why she didn’t actually lift THAT much, why she’s probably irreparably damaged forever because she didn’t use “proper form”.
A lot of white men definitely don’t think they fall on the same intelligence bell curve. Every self-proclaimed “staggering genius” I’ve met (and I have had the misfortune of knowing a lot of men who like to talk about how intelligent they are, and not much else) has been a fairly mediocre white man. They truly believe…
I’m on it.
I’ve always wondered if people as out-of-touch and obtuse as you seem to be are even aware of how idiotic they sound. Can you just tell yourself anything and then believe it? What’s that like?
Thank you, I will! :)
Ah, interesting. I had heard that a rule of thumb for determining whether someone was a Millennial was that if one was a minor when 9/11 occurred, then they were a Millennial. But the Wikipedia page has the Homeland Generation starting in 2005.
There are certain phenomena that play a few parts in causing these public proclamations to pop up every so often that white male writers don’t seem to be aware of. It’s nothing personal. And I don’t want to offend, but rather just offer up a frame of reference.
That’s not cool, man.
What’s the group after Millennials? I think it’s more likely to be them. A lot of Millennials were raised on rock. Hell, those of us born in the mid to late 80’s as later-in-life babies to older Boomers had the best of the 60’s and 70’s as our childhood soundtrack. There’s still an appreciation for the old as well as…
What kind of fuckery is this?
And the vast majority of them are raped by other men. What’s your point?
Yup. If they can admit enough “fault” to see that they need therapy (operative word being need), then they’re not NPD. Maybe they have a buttload of narcissistic traits, and maybe they have another personality disorder or other mental issue going on as well, and maybe they have no concept of how their actions have…
NPD is one of those widely-recognized-as-untreatable ones, though. People with BPD can respond to treatment, people with narcissistic traits (usually children of a narcissistic parent who learned from them) can, but in these cases, it’s hard work, and they have to make themselves very uncomfortable in the process,…
If that were true, there would be A LOT more gay women than there are.
So what have you diagnosed him with, from a picture on the internet? You seem to be an expert!
That’s not how it works. Mental illness != legal insanity. To be declared legally insane, the defendant must prove that they did not know what they were doing, or did not understand right from wrong.
Ok, so this is not a comprehensive list, but here ya go.
That’s right. That’s why there are no absolutely no documentaries/books/feature films about male soldiers, male trauma and redemption, male pain, male feelings, male heroes, male antiheroes, male perspectives, male “tortured geniuses”....
33? Nah, this guy was Generation X.